5 piece drawer box lock dado
Is there a construction method for making 5 piece drawer boxes with the bottom having lock dadoes on all edges? I can seem to get the sides to dado to the sub front and back but the bottom still is placed in a dado. The shop would prefer the bottom to
Has anyone considered or already formulated the interior finish of cabinets based on them being “open”?
When dropping new cabinets, the interior finish radio button is hard coded based on if the cabinet is an open finished cabinet or not. This work great when you are dropping selected cabinets from the library as needed. But if you use the “Swap Cabinet”
How do you make a route priority last?
I want to have some cutouts on a part to be done last, Reason for this is part might move if cutout is done prior to other machining. In previous releases you were able to designate the priority number 999 so that was done last. 2020 version you start
Understanding Machine Points
Hello, I have a custom countertop product that someone designed for us and it works well but now I am trying to add banding to the edges of the splashes to identify them correctly. The problem is that when I assign the banding to the part as it appears
Solid Model Analyzer
I have product that is essentially a rectangular part.. My process was 3d extruded solid from ACAD... solid model analyzer... the microvellum product that is created - the part width is actuallly wider than the product width. when nested the part is rotated
Multiple Project Wizard Components
I have several Project Wizard Components for different construction builds. I would like to add more prompts to all my Project Wizard Components. I have added prompts to one Project Wizard using Wookbook Designer. Is there an easy way to copy these new
Hi, I have updated new library and new 2020 Version of Toolbox, I have 2 problem with this new version which I can not work with the software, 1. When I finish my drawing and will nest and create G-Code from my project I can not see any part on processing
Standard Machine Token Parameters
Does anyone know where Standard Machine Tokens get their default parameter values from? For example, when I add a machine token, 3 Sided Notch, the Tool Number is always 102. I would like to change that value to reference a Global variable so I don't
Part Properties - Save and Redraw
I upgraded my Microvellum Toolbox 2019 to Toolbox 2020. The "Save and Redraw" command for the Parts Properties window worked correctly. I then installed Update 20.1.1012.641. But the "Save and Redraw" command does not re-open the Part Properties window
Elevation Dimension Offset Global Variables
In Microvellum Toolbox 2020, it appears that the Global variables (G!Elev Dim Offset Baseline and G!Elev Dim Offset Vertical) that controls the offset distance the elevation dimension is from the cabinet does not work. I have changed these Global variables
How to Permanently Change Grain_Matching_Identifier?
The way we sometimes number our products results in the Grain Matching Identifier using the same digits of, say, an entire room instead of for each individual product (eg, #123.01, 123.02, 123.03, etc. all get ID'd as "123"). When it comes time to process
Would it be possible to add 2 fields to each hardware item for an image and a description?
We include a hardware page in our shop drawings that identifies the hardware used on the job. It would be very helpful if a field for an image, and another for the description were part of each hardware record. Then we could populate each item on the
How to have reports show mulitple items individually
Hi, I have a series of closets that are all identical. I am going to use the same cabinet number for all of them. I was wondering if there is a way for my reports to print out individual sheets for each unit instead of having one sheet and having a quantity
toe kicks missing image in reports
Hi, All my products in my reports for assemblies have an image but some reason some products, mostly toe kicks and counters along with fillers do not seem to have one. i checked the report and it is pulling from FaceFrameImages.WMF. What do i need to
Fatal error (instead of error message) when drawing invalid hardware
Any time I attempt to draw a product and there is an error or an invalid hardware item in the cell where a hardware name should be, AutoCAD crashes immediately (see attached image, which was on a HWR Array). I've only noticed this on the past 2 releases.
Shelves Holes
Hi, I would like to do the regular linebore depth on the left cabinet side and all through the right side. Do we have somewhere an option for doing that? Thank you in advance for your answers.
FEATURE REQUEST: Flatshot Parameter Descriptions
For most 2D drawing tokens (DRAWLINE, DRAWTEXT, DRAWRECTANGLE) the parameters in Part Properties specify what goes in each field (Start X, End X, [Text Style]|[Text Alignment], etc). It would be helpful to see the same for the FLATSHOT metafile token.
Material shown in prompts doesn't match project materials
I'm seeing ".75 finished Plywood" when I view material at the prompt level. This is what the material is named by default but has been renamed with find & replace in the project materials. It's not consistent because all the plywood shown in the project
FEATURE REQUEST: Sort Materials After Project Find & Replace
Currently (20.1 v1012) using the Project Wizard's Find & Replace to rename project inventory creates an unsorted list of materials. The materials are still properly linked to the CTPX parts but it's inconvenient if you need to copy a material to Project
Smart Layer Mgr
Does anyone know how to Save a "Custom Color" in Smart Layer Mgr? We set all like parts, ext. fin. panels, interior framing and sub panels, e.g., to matching colors. Ideally we'd set the extruded part layers to match the 30 and 40 series colors set in
Changing Kick base Finished Fronts From Mitre To butt Joins
How Can we Change The Kick face Fronts From Mitre To butt Joins? So the Right And left Fin End Butts Behind The Front? If We Want To Put Edges On The Width Edges Of The Kick faces Will This Formula Work? =E!Base_Open_Edges Thanks
Issues with drilling direction when using Solid Model Analyzer
Running into issues when it comes to thru hole drilling while using the Solid Model Analyzer. When a thru hole is located inside a dado, it causes the drilling operation to happen from the opposite side causing a two step machining process. A thru hole
How are people handling and selecting the proper Concealed hinges? (Blum 120 vs 120+)
Based on the stock setup from MV we are using the Blum 120 hinges for our default hinge. Under normal circumstances of ¾ Melamine and 13/16 Laminate finished end panels this works. 3/4 Melamine – 1/16 reveal – 17.46 Overlay 13/16 Laminate
Adjusting Hardware Machining
I need to increase the depth of my boring for hinge plates. We are right at the cusp of the minimum depth and I am having issues. The only place I was able to locate a reference to this machining was on the hardware itself. I have changed my boring depth parameter, but to no avail. Am I not looking in the correct location? Thanks TRP
FEATURE REQUEST: Add Option for Double Divisions on Product Starters
I get asked a lot if there is a way to use double divisions in the Product Starter products. It would be great if this were an option. If you're asking why this is necessary, there are companies that do not want parts with Face 6 machining. Depending
Problem of Vlookup Formula
Hi, I am messing around with adding custom pulls and trying to figure out location of it. Can't see why the Vlookup formula doesn't return the right value(-0.01). =(INDIRECT(PARENTNAME("Door_Thickness"))*-1)-VLOOKUP(Pull_Name_Door,G!LookUpTablePullType,9,FALSE)
Custom size pulls
Having a problem creating custom size pulls. I used to use Autosize pulls option however that is not working. Need the Hole Distance to be 13.9687.
Solid Modeling Tools - Stud Spacing
In Solid Modeling Tools, when you add a stud(s) at a joint (say, for die wall), all the existing studs remain in their current location. The space between the new stud at the joint and the next (existing) stud will be different from the current stud spacing. It would be nice if Microvellum could automatically recalculate the stud spacing on either side of the joint. Right now, I do not believe there is a way to recalculate the stud spacing between the joint and the end or another joint. The stud
Blum Space Step
What is the chance of getting this added to the libaray
Solid model Profiles and sheet Sizes
FYI, When working with the Extruded parts portion of the solid modeling tools, If the construction path is longer than the material length, a "joint" is added to the part this makes perfect sense, But if the 2D profile that is used for the extrusion happens to be "deeper" than the width of the material, No joint is added. Example might be a 32inch deep solid surface countertop where the material is only 30 inches wide. Just happened to run across this occurance trying to quickly show someone how
Library Designer Dilemma
I made the classic library designer faux pas. Can anybody tell me if there is a way to reference the cabinet name it's saved to the library with? When I look at the library, each cabinet has the correct name, but I put a formula in the Product Name prompt, and I want to reference that library name in that formula. Is this possible? Related to that, I would like to suggest the library designer have a feature to "uncheck all" with regards to the list of other cabinets that have this prompt. Then,
QUESTION - Is there a way to add new Room Components and Appliances to the library?
I made changes to a room component and wanted to save it up, but I don't see an option to under Room Components. If I click to "Save Product to Library", I don't see that it lets me save it in the Room Components stuff. I tried saving it as a regular product, but it doesn't show up in the "Draw" list. I tried to make a new sub inside of a Room Component, but the new sub doesn't show up in the list of subs, either. Is there any way to make this work, currently?
Can a offline miter be set up with scribe? and if so how? Right now I only see Miter offline as a check box in the Machining Tab of the Spec Group Global Files. But our shop setup requires a set scribe size
Info on PLINE Offset function that Mimics AutoCAD "OFFSET" Command (OFFSETPOLYLINE)
***See comments for link to help document from MV. At TechCon a couple years ago, I remember voting for a true PLINE offset option that would not simply "shift" the pline over by a given amount in X,Y,Z, but instead truly offset the entire PLINE by a
Managing the Microvellum Parts and Machine Token Clipboards
Wondering if people are using the spreadsheets to manage the Clipboard Content. We can create categories in the interface but by default all the new information goes to the bottom of the category. Are people having luck managing/sorting tokens and parts with he spreadsheet in the Microvellum data?
Glitch of Library V50.6?
HI, I found out an issue in the new library V50.6 Product Starter Horizontal: When i use full top , the top would set back from the edge of cabinet by a thickness of the material. It seems like it accounts for a finger pull rail even though it is not selected. I tried it out in Library V49.1 without this issue. So just want to point it out.
Changing Grain in Solid Model Tools/Extruded Product Builder/Smart Layers
I've been building a simple slatted canopy that gets dowels machined into it to accept the cross members and the grain for those slats are horizontal. I've been searching up and down and don't see an option to set the grain in the model so I have been assigning the grain (force width) manually in the Parts Properties. There are a total of 33 slats in the two models so I'm wondering if there is a better way than going through each slat and changing the grain direction. If there isn't already, that'd
Combining Projects Nests Parts (Doors) on Top of Each Other; Being able to add Project Name in Grain Identifier prompt possible solution?
When combining several projects together the doors get placed on top of each other. I think this has to do with the grain identifier number which uses the item number as a unique code. However, when running several projects together that have the same material and similar products it can very easily have the same sized products with the same unique number. One idea that I have is being able to add the project name in Grain Identifier prompt which would definitely make it unique, but I can't figure
How can I copy a part from the clipboard of an older library into the clipboard of a newer one?
Somehow my base carcass lost it's intermediate stretcher. I have an older catalog (#35) that has that part, so I saved it to the clipboard. Can I use database explorer to copy that part from the clipboard of the 35 catalog into the clipboard of the 44.1 catalog that I currently use? Then I can paste it into a base cabinet and save the carcass subassembly to the library. Does anybody have any ideas about this? How about how to get that part back into my base carcass in the 44.1 library some other
Utility to Delete EventLogs from SQL Data
With MV Tech's help we isolated the EventLogs data as the culprit swelling our SQL database so large we couldn't run the Transfer Table command. Using a SQL Mgmt Studio we Query "delete from EventLogs", Shrink the Data and we're good to go again. Even with about 9 months worth of work in the production database the dbase size is under 2gb. The EventLog had swollen to over 4gb and made creating a CE version for remote use impossible. It would be very helpful to include a Utility in Database Mgmt
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