Combining Projects Nests Parts (Doors) on Top of Each Other; Being able to add Project Name in Grain Identifier prompt possible solution?
When combining several projects together the doors get placed on top of each other. I think this has to do with the grain identifier number which uses the item number as a unique code. However, when running several projects together that have the same material and similar products it can very easily have the same sized products with the same unique number. One idea that I have is being able to add the project name in Grain Identifier prompt which would definitely make it unique, but I can't figure
How can I copy a part from the clipboard of an older library into the clipboard of a newer one?
Somehow my base carcass lost it's intermediate stretcher. I have an older catalog (#35) that has that part, so I saved it to the clipboard. Can I use database explorer to copy that part from the clipboard of the 35 catalog into the clipboard of the 44.1 catalog that I currently use? Then I can paste it into a base cabinet and save the carcass subassembly to the library. Does anybody have any ideas about this? How about how to get that part back into my base carcass in the 44.1 library some other
Utility to Delete EventLogs from SQL Data
With MV Tech's help we isolated the EventLogs data as the culprit swelling our SQL database so large we couldn't run the Transfer Table command. Using a SQL Mgmt Studio we Query "delete from EventLogs", Shrink the Data and we're good to go again. Even with about 9 months worth of work in the production database the dbase size is under 2gb. The EventLog had swollen to over 4gb and made creating a CE version for remote use impossible. It would be very helpful to include a Utility in Database Mgmt
Prompt to move divisions individually
In the Tall Open Product with Divisions, There is a prompt to move the shelves individually. It would be nice to have the same prompt for the divisions.
Vector Location Formula Syntax
Hello, I am trying to modify a vector location formula and can't get the syntax correct. I have a custom countertop product that routes a scribe relief along the back edge of a 1-1/8 sub material. My problem is that this route remains constant no matter if finished right end or finished left end is selected the route continues to be +/- 0.25 the product length. I am trying to add IF statements for starting and ending the route 2 inches inside of the finished ends. The original formula: ="-.25;"&Panel_Width-Scribe_Width&";"&Scribe_Depth&"|0;"&Panel_Width-Scribe_Width&";"&Scribe_Depth&"|"&Panel_Length&";"&Panel_Width-Scribe_Width&";"&Scribe_Depth&"|"&Panel_Length+0.25&";"&Panel_Width-Scribe_Width&";"&Scribe_Depth
Dado machining token: Option to control direction of tongue routing
We are using thick backs with lock dados. The DADO machining tokens for the top, bottom, left and right have a parameter(9) named Tongue Tool Number. This allows a tool to be assigned to the routings that produce the tongue. Unfortunately, the resulting routings have left hand tool compensation and there is no option to change them to right hand compensation. The primary reason why this would be useful is dimensional accuracy. The back has the best chance of matching the size of the top and bottom
What product allows pocket door hardware to be used?
I see that the library already has Accuride pocket door hardware set up for 1321 series. We are not seeing a prompt or a product that uses pocket doors? Before we can decide if 1321 series will work for us or if we need to add an additional slide, we need to know how to activate/use this hardware.
Issue with machine token not working on product
I am having an issue with a partition/divider for a vanity. The single division is supposed to be dado into carcass bottom and top stretchers with a 1.5" set back and that is not happening. I created this vanity using a starter product and saved it to our library previously and that machined fine on our CNC. Now that we ran this again it is not associating the set back and dado. I drew a new product starter and that is working as normal so I compared the machining tokens in part properties and they
Pilot hole diameter for screw construction and drawer slide holes
I feel like I am doing everything right but I am stumped on the these hole diameters. I have screw construction set up with dados and those holes are reading .2756 which isn't even a drill bit size we have or I have set it to. I want it to be 3mm actually. The other issue is the drawer slide pilot holes are showing 3mm when I have changed them to 5mm. Am I missing something here? Also to add, when I change those settings below to 3mm, neither set of pilot holes change even after I redraw them.
VLOOKUP Table for Material Thickness
I'm trying to create a Floating Shelf Product that I saw Tim Scholman make in one of the Microvellum Live Episodes, "Engineering Parametric Products". I'm having trouble finding a VLOOKUP Table he's using for "Material Thickness". i've attached snapshots of his product and mine. Do I need to create this?
Drawer Slides with more than 5 holes
Library 44.1 We have some KV 8908 32" drawer slides that we need to use for a project. It has (7) drawer slide holes that need to be machined into the carcass. I've added the slides as normal and everything is working, with the exception that there are only (5) holes being drilled. I'm guessing this is because the G!LookUpTableSystemDrawerSlide look up table only has columns for the first through fifth slide holes. So my question is, can I add two more columns to the look up table, between columns
How to export all hardware in a spreadsheet format
Does anyone have any info on how to export my hardware that is in my material file in a spreadsheet format? I am trying to get a complete list of all hardware in our library.
Please allow all windows in microvellum to be maximized
Please allow all windows in microvellum to be maximized
changing material across multiple spec groups
Hi, I have a customer that wants to change all shelves from 19mm melamine to 16mm melamine. Is there an easy way to do this across multiple spec groups or do I have to open each material file and change it individually? Thanks, Pete.
Trick for determining the offending source of an error in your spreadsheet
Came across this old helpful video I made years ago. It was on the old community site, so thought I would move it here. Anyone who's done any library development in MV can relate to this.
Work Order Save Location
It would be nice to be able to create and save Work Orders in the Project folder (in the the Factory Database Folder) instead of in the generic Work Orders folder.
Processing station individual codes for duplicate runs
In creating a nest for a job I noticed that if there are identical runs the processing station just creates one code and requests it to be run multiple times on the report. Is there a setting where I can get it to create unique g-code for each run. i am concerned that a less experienced CNC operator will miss the reference to the quantity and only run the program once. Thanks, Pete.
Splitting oversized parts
Hi all, i posed a similar question regarding oversized backs, but does anyone have experience in splitting oversized parts? In Cabinetvision you just pick your part and choose the split point. Any function like that in Microvellum? I know the extruded product builder can split parts at maximum material length.
v67 Adding Routing to a Subassembly Part
Does anyone out there remember how to add route machining to a subassembly part in v67? For example, using the button "Draw Part in 2D" and selecting the door (subassembly part) in the drawing results in an error message "This selection is part of a subassembly. You cannot modify this part." If you remember how to do this would you reply with a short procedure?
2 sided cabinet
trying to make a cabinet that has 2door/2drawer on one side and 2door/false front on the other side- I have built two cabinets and tried to use the associative feature to transfer machining from one side to the other- I am missing the machining for the hinges and false front on the back side of the cabinet. Two options: 1- Can I copy the machining from the one side to the other side somehow? 2- I tried modifying the base island with no luck- I am running toolbox v48, where there some updates that
Project/Work Order Archiving Best Practices?
Our Microvellum projects and work orders list is starting to grow a bit cumbersome and before I go and delete something I will regret later, I was wondering what best practices others use to trim the old projects from their database. My goal is to have them around in some capacity but have them removed from our list of Projects and Work Orders. It will also help our CNC operator so he doesn't have to dig around for work orders.
Tongue position change
Where to find the formula that sets the position of the line for the drawer groove that will fit the tongue of the subfront or back ? I want to add some extra space from the edge (from 18 to 18.2 on from the edge to bring the subfront more inside). Thank you .
Easy question about inset doors/drawers
First post here in MV forum. Very new to the software as I just finished training 2 weeks ago. With that being said I am having an issue finding some setting for inset doors/drawers. See attached photo of a rendering and some of the ideas we are trying to achieve for a customer. The inset doors/drawers are about an inch or so behind the side panels, tops/bottoms. How do I make that work? I have checked all in edit design data and cannot find any prompt or anything to do that. Any insight?
Where can I find documentation for switching to annotative scaling in library 44.1?
I know the new library comes with it, but it should be easier to switch to annotative dimensions (and text) in my 44.1 library then to make all the other changes needed to the new 50.5 library.
machining token in visualisation
I think it would be a great addition if the part visualisation in the origin section could show the machinig token. We would be able to see how the different origins and point affect our machining in real time. like in the image attached,. this is a corner base shelf but it does not show the corner notch.
How to restore deleted room
Hi someone, I am in urgent need to restore a room that I accidentally deleted. It is still in the microvellum factory database but I have no idea how to bring it back to the project. Is there any possible way? Please help me, and thank you very much.
Is anyone else having problems where toolbox freezes when using SMA?
Is anyone else having problems where toolbox freezes when using SMA? We have found that when we are trying the use SMA (solid model analyzer) to analyze 3D parts that toolbox will freeze if the parts are not drawn exactly to a 1/16 or possibly a 1/32 of an inch. If the parts are .04015 or any other odd decimal point it seems like the program has issues analyzing and creating the 3D product. What’s odd is that the product is created in the product list and all the parts are there. But if
Subassembly File Size
I have a subassembly file that takes a while to load and I am trying to figure out why. I exported it to the my hard drive and I found it to be nearly 1MB compared to other subassembly files which are 80-100 kB. I was wondering what makes the file size so large, and how can I compress it? Thanks, Chris Ramos
Grass Dynapro
Just wondering if anyone uses Grass Dynapro 16's and Grass Dynapro 19's. If so, is there a drw guide in MV that works, or did you add the Grass Dynapro 19. We found we can interchange Blum Tandem Undermount with Grass Dynapro 16's, but the Dynapro 19's are different and use a different formula for sizing the drawer box. Any helpful input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Accessing Database Explorer
Is there a way to access Database Explorer outside of Toolbox, or to direct it to load/explore a database other than the one currently loaded? Specifically, we are running library 44.1, but I also have library 50.5 installed as a separate database configuration to poke around and see some of the updates. Sometimes I want to take some of those items from 50.5 and modify them to use with 44.1, but to have to shut down Toolbox every time I want to switch which database Database Explorer accesses is
Library Designer Product Selection Feature
It would be nice if the Library Designer would allow you to: 1) Check or Un-check a box in the Libraries Affected with a single, opposed to the click to selected product + click to check or un-check box. 2) To Check or Un-check all boxes in the Libraries Affected. Example: In the Products Using This Item window.
Hardware to work like the other materials (sheets & Solid)
Why do we need to duplicate hardware names adding the negative symbol to not have it load in the work order? Why doesn't the Hardware file work like the rest of the Cutparts file? Sure would mark setting up new hardware faster (two times faster) ;). Maintaining the different hardware is also an issue, when a token change is made in one hardware its not always that the change gets made in the matching one (this is a real pain). Or 'em I doing it wrong? Right now we set a hardware and copy it and
Setting up New Library
I'm in the process of setting up a new Library v50.5. Having trouble with the scaling of the Text and Item Numbers. It's probably a simple, just can't remember how. Also, the grain arrow is shows up on the right drawer fronts even though I do not have a grain spec group selected. Has anyone experienced this when setting up Library 50.5?
delete and create Activity station
how to delete duplicate activity stations in the data management which there isn't a delete tab and even if you delete the activity station in the process station its still not deleted in the database management so it wont allow you to edit the activity stations
Selective Machining
With Sub Assemblies and Nested Sub assemblies In mind, How do you get machining based on what it is? I have a notch that I like to use on my wood drawer. I use a polyline token in the hardware with the following formula "=IF(S!ProductCode = "C,2,SA,DF","PLINE",IF(N!ProductCode = "C,2,SA,DF","PLINE",0))" The purpose of the formula is: I don't want the token active if the lock is on a door, I only want it if it is on a drawer front. It works for the most part but not all of the time. I need to know
I need to change the dado route in existing product, solid surface tops, to make a double pass for all routes.
I have been in the game for a while and for some reason cannot think of the best way to go about this. We have a drawer full of resharpened bits that can no longer be used on our solid surface due to the resharpening shrinking the diameter of the bits. Right now out dado is set up for a single pass, that with a new bit would create a 1/2" dado. I need to make it double pass so that the resharpened bits can be used. I need to make this a standard on my product, so that it does it eveytime this product
Part Properties Visualization Interface We're running build 20.1.403.642 and definitely do not have this interface. We still have the old interface shown in figure 2. Anyone have this interface? Is this something that wasn't implemented when planned?
Saving Subassembly Options
At times when developing a new product and modifying an assembly it would be nice to be able to set a default save level and bypass that step. I have been working on a product where I have modified and saved as new 4 assemblies, these are bay inserts that can be selected and interchanged so there has been a lot of saving and redrawing. At times I would like to just save and redraw to a level without the extra checking and clicking. Or, am I missing something?
Editing materials at project level wo/ changing Library
Hello, Currently To Edit a material I create a copy of the " Green Dot" to Project Level, make my changes and apply to corresponding pointers. Actually replace the Green Dot Material with new Black Dot material. I would like to not have to make a copy every time I need to add/remove a new sheet size. Edit Material is not an option on the Green materials. Sometimes, for whatever reason the Edit Multiple Materials screen open I changes to "Green" material are possible. Problem is I cannot reproduce
How to Add Dowells to EPB Parts?
I couldn't get a response direct from MV so if anyone can help, I'm trying to create a simple slatted canopy to be fastened by dowels and all cut and machined by CNC and horizontal boring machine. I can create the wall but the none of the options for adding dowels seems to be functioning. Can anyone tell me how to add dowels and have them associate to the adjacent member (just like a stretcher in a cabinet carcass)?
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