Need to Fix Blind Corner Cabinets Door Size and Location (Hinge is in the not located properly in 3D)
I had created a topic and I belive a ticket back in the old sytem but it was never fully fixed. While the updated formulas work when doing a using the wrap around blind hinges if you need to use a return panel the door sizing gets thrown off. Also, making these changes so the door is now an overlay door then makes the “Blind reveal” prompt in these cabinets off as well since it doesn’t
How to reference a variable in the project wizard
I need to reference a variable in the project wizard called "Overlay Fillers". There is a checkbox for this and I want to make some things conditional to whether this box is checked. How would I make such a reference in the formula?
Copying rooms between projects
We have a customer who would like to order another set of exam room cabinets. We want to create a new project for this order and would like to copy only the exam room cabinets from the old project. Can I copy a room from an old project into a new project?
Corner Cabinet Base back modification
Looking at the Corner Cabinets backs is there an easy way to modify them to have the backs be 1/2"? or to make the backs have an option to switch from thick to regular? we typically construct all our cabinets this way, i understand the need to have thicker backs when having an interior component like adjustable shelves but with having just a Lazy Susan we do not need the thicker back option. i had changed everything by trial and error to modify the cabinet to need what we want but it would be better
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