Part Label & Barcodes
Hi, I'm using a default part label report, it appears to have two barcodes but they are not printing. Any idea why or do I need to select something to enable Bar Codes? Thanks, -James
Flat Shot Dim Scales/Sizes
Hi, Was there a way to change the size of the dimensions in your flat shots on reports for Plan or Elevation views? I could have sworn I seen something a while back that changed it from one size to another. We're wondering if for when a cabinet is really
Project List taking too long to load - Expanded Categories
Our project list is taking too long to load and we have track it down to large overheads associated with Toolbox expanding every category in our list. If this expansion was not occurring I feel the process of opening the project list would be about 5-10 second faster everytime. Is there anyway to turn off the auto-expand for the categories in the project list view? If someone knows a bit about this one would be great to discuss. Below is a typical update query that Toolbox is running on every category
Pilaster machining on gables for adjustable shelves
Hi Community, I was wondering if anyone know about how to assign the pilaster machining on the gables for the adjustable shelves in Toolbox ?Please let me know if anyone knows
Shut Down
What is causing me not to be able to see my products?
Feature on Features: Nesting Tab MCOR Improvement
A feature has been added into Microvellum Toolbox in a recent build, to allow for the inclusion of tabs in different types of border methods. The MCOR (Machine Cannot Offset Routing) setting in the nesting Toolfile previously restricted users to Center/Common
Keku Push-In-Fitting
The library I am currently running only has the Hafele 262.5130. The Web site is temporarily down for the 3D of their 262.50.358 and 262.50.359. Might someone have the 3D that they can provide me. Thanks in Advance
Model Space Orientation Changing Randomly
Has anyone experienced the orientation of the Model Space changing randomly? That is, when working in the Top view, the view would change all of a sudden to a random view. And the view would be rotated so that just going back to the Top view did not work.
New Toolbox Release Available Today: Build 23.1.0706.641
We are happy to announce that Toolbox build 23.1.0706.641 is now available! This build includes several resolutions for issues with the MCOR setting, as well as Biesse IPP Toolfiles. Please refer to the complete Release Notes for more information on these
Foundation Library Cumulative Update Phases
It has come to the attention of the Microvellum team that the phase change in cumulative updates has caused some confusion amongst some clients. As such, we've decided to clarify it with a post to reduce misunderstandings. Microvellum has offered cumulative
Section lines and drawing tokens
Is there anyone that uses section lines in conjunction with drawing tokens? What is your typical workflow?
Weird Intermittent Problem With Lookup Table
About once every month or so, a drawer bank cabinet will not draw correctly. Opening the product with the Edit Design Data utility shows that the VLOOKUP LookUpTableDrawerFrontHeight functions (And all dependencies) have failed: What's weird is that opening
FEATURE REQUEST: Configure WO Properties with Variables
It'd be great to have the same options available for standardizing work order properties as we do for the work order name. See image.
Higher resolution monitors! When will MV make the adjustments?
I suppose I should ask first. Is there a option to run MV with a higher resolution then 1920x1080? What is Microvellum waiting for? It's high time for MV to make the adjustment.
Blum draw bottom drilling
I'm hoping to get some assistance with a question. As far as I can tell I've set the draw bottom drilling to utilize a 3mm drill bit at a depth of 12mm for both the project and library levels. However, when I use a Blum draw, it defaults to a 5mm hole
Copy Verticals
What causes the copy "Vertical Entities" to sometimes copy the vertical to a new location and end up with an additional two copies and the two copies are missing the Machining for the "Wire Chase" cutout? No problem copying a "Vertical and moving it
New Toolbox Release Available Today: Build 23.1.0627.641
We are happy to announce that Toolbox build 23.1.0627.641 is now available! This build includes several resolutions for issues like pocket hatching crashes, the inability of certain routes to register for IRIB, and overhauls for machine token defaults.
Dado in Shelf Edge
Good morning, I trying to make the Shelf Edge to have a dado and also to have a 1/8" Lip UP Below a picture of what I have and what I need, and also the globals that is currently set. And also, how do I change the Size from 1-1/2" to 1-3/8"? Thanks in
Feature Request - Work Order Notes
It would be super handy to add a "Notes" line when creating a work order so that when we go back and look later on at the same job with say _2 or _3 etc we know what they are for. For instance, say i process an order with 12345_1 and 12345_2, i have no
EPB/SMT/SMA and Associative Machining
Is there a procedure, in place, for adding additional machining to a “Vertical” for attaching a “In-Wall Support Bracket”. The only way, I know in accomplishing this, would be to draw a replacement profile and change out the studs to be used for the In-Wall
Conventional vs. Climb Cutting and how to specify one router
I am having chipping on laminated surfaces when routing and machining doors on our CNC. To reduce the chipping we have learned that the doors needs to be cut in a conventional (Counter-Clockwise) direction. We do however want our primary perimeter router
Imperial and Metric Toolbox Configurations
I currently am using an Imperial Toolbox configuration on a SQL Server. I would like to create a Metric Toolbox configuration. Can you have an Imperial Toolbox configuration and a Metric Toolbox configuration on the same SQL Server? If so, how do I distinguish
New Foundation Library Release Available Now: Build 23.0623
We are happy to announce that a new update for the Foundation Library, Build 23.0623 is now available! The latest release of Microvellum's Foundation Library includes the addition of numerous products, such as a hardware bracket for countertops, numerous
Single Doors and Single Drawer Fronts should be included with perfect graining
While working with a material with directional grain (cathedral grain), we discovered the "1 Drawer Base" drawer front did not nest with the same orientation as the adjacent products. My ticket to Microvellum informed me that "a minimum of a pair of parts
New Toolbox Release Available Today: Build 23.1.0621.641
We are happy to announce that Toolbox build 23.1.0621.641 is now available! This build includes several resolutions for issues like configuration errors, the removal of redundant options and buttons, along with multiple UI improvements. Please refer to
Identifying Drawer Parts with Bay Position - Best practices?
The problem - We occasional lower or raise a drawer box part in a cabinet with multiple drawers. Our CNC operator doesn't always know which drawer box gets the modified part. I plan to add the bay position name to help our operator identify which drawer
I need help with finding the Carcass Base subassembly.
Where can I find the subassembly Carcass Base? This subassembly was available in Library v050.7 but not in Library 23.0609. See attached screenshots. Thank you for any input.
Has anyone had success creating a QR code that will give the information of the room# or the cabinet# and include that on a label that we create?
Routing Laminated Doors Face Down
We are currently machining our doors on our CNC so that we can also include hinge and handle boring. We run one side laminate with a balanced backer, the laminate face is down. We are having the laminate chip out on us most of the time, but not every
I’m having much difficulty editing edgeband settings for an important project. I have searched the database, videos and googled. Wondering if you’re able to help? We have the specs set up for 3 mm edgebanding, but it is not allowing the product enough
I know I’m asking for something that probably isn’t going to happen, but I thought I’d throw it out there anyway. I used to have a ton of LISP routines that helped us speed up our processes. Some were very simple, others more complex. But the need came
Face Frame Bevel and Miter on the Corners.
Hello, Is it possibel to Add bevel on the interior edge of the face frame? See picture If possible, how can I achieve that? Thanks
Validation Code
I’m trying to use the validation code to restrict a value in this scenario: I have a prompt which has a formula and I want to validate the result based on the validation code column to show a warning message. If the user interacts with the prompt, it
How to get Project Name / Work Order Name into DXF file?
I'm trying to create DXF's that include the Project name for each part, and also the Work Order name. I'm currently creating them at time of work order creation, and they already include the other info that I need. How do I get the project name and work
SMT "Extruded Parts"
I have checked rechecked and also redrawn the "Geometry" for my "extruded Parts". They constantly show up with an overlap of one section to the other by .02". What is causing this to happen? Much appreciation in advance.
System Lockup When Work Order Directory Open
When reprocessing a work order and the work order folder is open (from viewing report groups), if you forget to close the window directory, the system will lock up and requires you to do Task Manager/End Task to close Toolbox - just as bad as a Fatal
"Hinge Plate Inset Blum" for Inset Doors // V50.7
Hi, It seems that Microvellum only has one Global viable that reference the Hinge Plate inset from door (1.4567" = 37mm) . But per Blum's spec, the number is different (38mm) when it is an inset door. Shouldn't be there two Global Variables that will
Nested Optimization Report Index Number
Is there a way to change the nested optimization report index numbers to be sequential throughout every nested sheet instead of starting back at "1" ? We do not use labels on parts, instead we write a single number on the back edge of each part. Where
importing library to SQL Server
I have always worked with a local instance of Microvellum so a few questions about MV in the server context to make sure i'm not assuming anything. *i can have multiple librarys/configurations? * its possible to import a library that i have a tweaked
Hard drive issue
Hello All I have a failing hard drive here at work and the IT company just asked me if MV when loaded onto a computer is then coded to that hard drive. As the last time it was cloned, MV would not work, and my hard drive is still failing. Cheers Nig
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