Product prompt link to nested parts
Does anyone know of a way to be able to turn multiple nested 3D draw tokens on and off via the product prompt. I have a custom product that I would like to be able to switch on/off "machine only parts" to "drawing only parts" & back. I have the machine
FEATURE REQUEST Item Numbers as Whole Values
Due to label space we use, we try to minimize usage by setting the numbers to 1, 2, 3 instead of 1.00, 2.00. It would be nice if in Toolbox Setup/Options at the Sequence location if we can choose whole integer (1, 2, 3...) Or how many decimal places
Does anyone use reports to calculate stain and finish for wood/ veneer parts? How does everyone calculate finish in MV?
Toolbox OEM 2022 - SSM Not working
anybody else having this issue with 2022? Sheet sets are not showing up, I cannot edit properties.
Two-Tone Kitchens
What is the best method of doing multiple door finishes in the same project in Toolbox? For example a two-tone kitchens with Bases a different finish that Uppers. If there were Room level properties then it would help.
Remove Automatic Elevation Title
Hi All, I'm trying to get rid of the Elevation marker that draws automatically with each elevation. We have set location pre labeled as part of to template. For the life of me I can not figure out where to turn this off.
What is your favorite feature?
I'm curious as to what everyone's favorite feature is within Microvellum. There is a lot under the hood and I am sure that others would like to discover new things that would increase their productivity. Mine would be showing the point of origin for a
Restoring projects from backup
We discovered recently a bunch of missing projects and narrowed it down to an accidental deletion by a user. We only discovered it today but the deletions were done more than 10 days ago so unfortunately I can't just overwrite the database with a backup
Wood Hacks: Project Wizard Automation
In this episode of Wood Hacks, learn how to add a formula in the Project Wizard to automate shelf quantities.
Stay Down Nesting Optimzation Failure
Hey all, I am trying to nest parts that are curved. Most of them have the same or a similar radius. MV will nest these parts on multiple sheets although it should fit on just a few. I have Stay Down on and it will do the same thing set to min or max.
Deploying Toolbox OEM through MDT
Hello Everyone, I'm replacing / upgrading over a dozen work stations and I'm interested in using Microsoft's Deployment Toolkit to help automate the process of installing a our core workstation applications. This obviously will include Toolbox OEM. Is there a way to install Toolbox silently during the image process so I can prime the machines and enter the serial number after deployment? My fallback is creating a perfect image of the desired machine including it but I have few different makes / models
New Release Available Today: 22.1.0325.641
We are happy to announce that the latest Toolbox build release is now available! This release, 22.1.0325.641, includes improvements to CNC/Toolfile configurations, processing, machine tokens and the material UI. Read the complete release notes for this
Richelieu Axial drawer system
We are looking at the Axial drawer system from Richelieu: Apparently
April's Virtual Events
Keep up to date with Microvellum's virtual events, coming up Wednesday, April 13 and April 20! Virtual events are the perfect opportunity to learn more about our software, have discussions with industry experts and find answers to any questions you may
Change sheet trim on Face 6 files
Hi, Was wondering if anyone had any idea on where to change the sheet trim value for face 6 files? Cant seem to find the value. Thx
"Grain Direction Symbol" location placement formulas
Please see attached
SQL Column
I need to set all Fin Ends in our cabinet library to 0. It's easy enough to make the change in Lib Dsgnr but it's a pain to drag and drop the products. I'd rather run a query in SSMS like I do to change trims in the materials. What column in the database
Custom made sub assemblies vanishing
How do I find custom sub assemblies that have somehow got lost. When opening up the sub in the spreadsheet it says it can't be found
How doe Cost Based pricing data store in the Factory file?
Setting up some "Cost Based" estimating in a custom library from a customized v43.4 library. In the attached image column AC has named ranges with the format equal to "AS" & Activity Station Number & "TotalQty", e.g. "AS101TotalQty". As I have added
Wood Hacks: Spreadsheets (Part 8)
In this episode, learn about the other ways you can access Workbook Designer, through Specification Groups, Database Explorer and the stand-alone app.
Report Layout Help
I'm trying to create a report that will show the shop how to cut closet rods. I'm modifying an existing report. What I would like it to do is put multiple sheets(Rods) on a single page instead of one page per rod. I attached a picture of report designer
Product Prompts -> Save and Redraw
See attached. It would be great if you could add a save and redraw button for product prompts. Once redrawn it re-opens the prompts dialogue box.
Detailed Hardware Report
Hi all, I remember years ago of a master hardware report that listed all the hardware as well as the cabinet number that the hardware belongs to. I found this to be a very handy report for multiple reasons and I would like to be able to use it again.
Batch Printing Reports to Google Drive?
I'm working on setting up batch printing of reports and would like the output location to be a google drive. Is that possible? Jason
Is there a way of having walls automatically plot with hatching in paper space
Drawer Box Depths Inconsistent
Hello! I was recently editing a cabinet and went to change the drawer box depth, when I realized that there are two numbers displayed for essentially the same drawer box. I was wondering if someone could explain this to me. The cabinet was a 1 Door, 1
Updating Library
How to transfer Global Variables from OLD Library to NEW Library
Wood Hacks: Spreadsheets (Part7 )
In this episode of Wood Hacks, learn more about Workbook Designer, its tools and when to use it over Edit Design Data.
Allow us to enter a Quantity when using "New Empty Product"
Just a small feature request. It would be nice if the "New Empty Product" dialog had the ability to enter a quantity of that product at that time. Example below: We have a subset of users that make non-library cutlists a lot through the Product List and
Hi all, Is there a best practice for bringing in Item numbers to paperspace when using viewbase? Seems tidious to manually number each cabinet with constant reference to model space. Cheers Redge
Drawing Tabs
The drawing tabs have disappeared from the top left side of the screen. How do i get them back?
Link for latest update is 404. Well at least for me this morning.
How to update the Estimation Type?
How is the Estimation_Type updated? Each time I change the Estimation_Type in either the F! spreadsheet or via the MicroManager Company Data interface the value resets when MicroManager is closed and reopened.
Adding doweling under drawer bottom?
I am assuming that there is a default setting for drawer boxes not to dowel under the bottom deck level, as shown in the photo. I have some drawer boxes, 8 drawer bank, and the drawers themselves only measure from 1.5" to 1.75" tall. My problem is that
New drawer slide, hinge and mounting plate.
How do I add a new drawer slide, hinge and mounting plate to the Foundation Library?
Warning for cutting into the spoil board
Not sure about you, but I managed to cut a few times into the spoil board. Is there a way, to have some kind of warning, to let you know you that the tool depth is larger than the board thickness? Would be to nice to have some kind of pop-up window when
G-Code Optimization
I expect the answer to this question to be that I would have to modify to the G-Code manually to get what I am seeking, but I am looking to make a calibration block for the operator. This block as multiple operations, drilling, routing, etc. I would prefer
Results: Bookshelf Reading List for Q2:2022
The results are in! Next quarter's reading list will be as follows (order based on number of votes received): April: The Toyota Way by Jeffrey Liker May: How to Lead When You're Not In Charge by Clay Scroggins June: The Power of Discipline
Starting point for beginner
Hello everybody. Just loaded toolbox 2021 and was wondering, can anybody here point me in the right direction to find some good solid tutorials on the basic in's and out's of this program? Thanks in advance.
Subassembly help
Hi all, I'm back to MV after a long absence. I was last with the program in the final months of v6, with about 8 years experience there. A lot has changed. I'm trying to develop a unique trash pull-out drawer for the 1-Drawer base cabinet. I know how
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