toolbox updates
hey guys how do you upgrade the microvellum toolbox im on the microvellum toolbox 2022 build 23.1.1120.641 and i am on the latest foundation update but im now having issue with viewbase so im thinking its my toolbox is to old
FEATURE REQUEST: Prompt Value locked Prompts should be locked in the Sub/Nested Sub
It would be nice if Prompt Value override prompts were locked in the subassembly, that way when a drafter wants to change a value it doesnt just reset. Or it notifies them its locked. Like for Doors or Boxes, you can get to a box or door many ways with
shelf pins, screw hole missing
Hello, Please need help on this, everything its been setup for this job for some reason this morning when I add a product my shelf pin holes and screw holes box constructions its missing and its not showing up. How do I fix this, every time I add a box
Material Pricing
Having issues with a material price not showing up on my costing report, even though I have pricing in for it. Any ideas why this wouldn't be working or how to fix before I submit a ticket.
New Toolbox Release Available Today: Build 24.1.0913.641
We are happy to announce that Toolbox build 24.1.0913.641 is now available! This build includes resolutions for issues with data imported from copied rooms and copied projects. A new pop-up alerting users when their database is nearing maximum capacity
pocket doors
How are you guys doing pocket doors to have access to the hardware? We are thinking about doing a cabinet within a cabinet or using dado's or some kind of hidden fastener so the center cabinet can just slide out to install and adjust the hardware. Is
New Pointer
It would be nice to have this pointer as standard in MV library. Countertop_Stone_Template
Remove Entities From DWG
I am trying to generate a new radius profile to display on a product. I have all of them working, showing a radius edge on all the edges of my part using the default 1_8radius.dwg However, when I modify/make a new one. I keep getting an error saying I
Salice Undermount Slides
Need to add Salice A7555 & A7955 Futura slides to the Foundation. Really surprised that they are not in the hardware already. Please add them in the near future!
Can anyone tell me why a report is not pulling the data from the hardware for a report? I have a BOM report setup and it pulls data from the hardware to cells in the report designer. It works for all hardware except the drawer slides. Hinges, plates,
New Toolbox Release Available Today: Build 24.1.0830.641
We are happy to announce that Toolbox build 24.1.0830.641 is now available! This build includes resolutions for issues with Solid Model Analyzation on circular parts, filters in product design data, and face 6 machining incorrectly appearing on labels.
New library setup on server
Hello guys, I am wondering to ask how to do make a new environment on server. Are the same process as is for the local setup? I would like to install new library on server but still keep the existing one, to test them and make own setup before total transition.
True Shape Nesting not working well anymore
I know this used to work. Just ran a WO, and noticed that it's not even trying anymore. Yes, it's still set to true shape. Plenty of room for it to do this: 10 versions or so back this was working well..... Anyone else experiencing this?
Updated Toolbox Build 24.1.0906.641
Microvellum Toolbox Build 24.1.0830.641 has undergone an update, after it was determined that one of the new features in that build (the new pop-up informing clients when they were nearing maximum capacity in their Factory Database) was in need of further
Microvellum Merge Application
What happened to the Microvellum Merge application. It allowed you to compare global files and merge missing or changed cells etc.
Gang Locks
We need to install a lock that will lock all 3 or 4 drawers in a drawer bank at once, I believe it is called a gang lock. Is there a way to get this done in Microvellum?
FEATURE REQUEST - Save and close product prompts interface without redrawing
I would like the option of redrawing a product (or not) after making changes to the product prompts. I know in the product list you can access the product prompts interface and make changes without the redraw each time. But this would be a great time
Shadow line Help
When using the hafele shadowline, theres a small clip to secure it to the cabinet, what is the best way to add the drilling for this, currently its a manual process . i cant see anywhere to control this in globals. i would asume everyone uses them?
Profile door operation
Hi Everyone Is there any way to add more Operation to a profile door? In the door data sheet there is only space for 7 operation. I have a door that needs at least 9. How can I add operation?
Can Library Designer Find Replace Non Formula Statements that are just a Pipe List?
For Instance all my products have a Shelf Qty that looks like this: 0|1|2|3... I want to get that LOOKUP Option added so I want to Find 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10 Replace With LOOKUP|0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10 However this is what Library Designer gives me: That
Horizontal routes
Hi all Just wanted to know if horizontal routing is possible from Microvellum (cuffing), if so would this also work on a bit of hardware using ? We do this after processing an order on some doors so there is no radius on a small cutout in the edge using
can i restore a project category
i just went to start a new job and accidently did it in a category. when i went to delete it aperently i deleted the parent category. is there a way to get back the jobs in that category? we are using a msql database
How do I turn this off?
How do I turn off the product description text popping up everytime I hover over a product as shown in the attached video?
Ability to select mutiple clipboard tokens
Would like to be able to select more than 1 token in part properties from MV clipboard. Hold down the shift key or ctrl key and insert / add multiple tokens. Just another times saver if possible.
can i reference cut parts width/length in a formula?
so i'm working on a pline machine token and was wonder how i can use the cut part width that the machine token is assosated with in the formula? then length in the cutparts for that part is a pretty complicated formula and seems it would be much easier
Estimated Cutting Times for Nested Sheets
I have been asked multiple times if it is possible to give estimated cutting times for Nested Panels to help determine the workload per day or release to the shop. Coming from CutRite for our panel saw we are getting this information so having similar
Automation of Dowels, Cut Parts, and Routes when adjusting material thickness
As the title implies, Is there a way to automate cut part sizes, routes, and machining holes with material thickness changes? Example: I want my .75" cabinet sides to be 1" thick. If I change the material thickness in material files through project wizard,
Hello guys can we add more viables into the kick frames for example height is 100mm but i want 5mm packing zone to underside so my kick frame will be 95mm and then add scribe to the bottom of kick face i normally just go into part properties and modify
Can Nest Opt. Report show Horizontal Drilling?
We use a Homag/Weeke and ABD Horizontal Boring Machine. Can the Weeke nest show what the ABD will be doing to each part? Heres the Base Bottom on Nest: Here it is in Draw 2d (We're looking for the Dowels on the above image) I didn't see an option in the
How to modify this formula?
I want to modify this original formula, which sets a Toekick recess. =IF(AND(Flush_Toekick=1,Toekick_Back=0),0,IF(Toekick_Drawer=1,G!Toe_Kick_Drawer_Back_Set,G!Base_Assembly_Back_Set)) I want it to include, if the model name starts with either "H" or
Hardware (Adj Leg Plates) are Spinning Differently
I've got an odd problem if someone can point me in the right direction. We need build up parts in our face frame adj leg subassembly. It looks good without the build up for the legs, the adj leg plate hardware points to the outside of the cabinet //This
Global for drawer runner weight rating
Would be great to have a global to set a default 'choice' for the drawer runner weight rating. E.g. Blum Merivobox 40kg or 70kg. I generally make all runners the higher as default (currently I'm changing in workbook designer 'LookupTableRunnerHolePositions2'
New Foundation Library Release Available Today: Build 24.0823
We are happy to announce that a new update for the Foundation Library, Build 24.0823 is now available! The latest release of Microvellum's Foundation Library includes updates to existing products to improve functionality, a multitude of quality of life
Foundations Library and Custom Products
Please bear with me as we are in the process of implementing the new library and have some questions. If we take a "standard" cabinet from the new library and customize it and then save it as a new product to our library, will it be overwritten when we
Ladder Style Toe Kick
I am trying to add a DIM Token for "Toe Kick Space". Cant figure out how to add the "Thickness Door" to the formula. I am using the W!Door_To_Cabinet_Gap Prompt and it works as you see in the Screen Shot. I was able to add the prompt in W!: However the
Blind Corner Cabinet Inset Blind Panel
We are using the new Microvellum Library and currently drawing a blind corner cabinet and can't seem to locate the option to inset the blind panel and notch the top and bottom of the cabinet. In our older Microvellum Library we had the option to select
Library Foundation - 24.0722 Anyone know how this "Upper_Bottom_Edges_Unfinished is triggered. I have a pointer set but can't seem to find a global or local prompt that turns it on....
Solid Modeling Machinng
So recently started using Solid Modeling for some Nurse stations and when it creates the product it is not routing completely through on the extruded parts. Using some 18mm ply and we have it at .709" in the material file and fix the parts on the screen
Change Materials Render Interface
Hey everyone, I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this, or if there is documentation I'm missing on the knowledge base. I'm wondering particularly where the settings get save, if it is in the Microvellum Settings that can be exported, or if its
Is it possible for the error messages that you get when creating a work order to end up printed on a report?
We have several warning messages inside our products and subs. The ones in the subs don't show up until processing (which is not ideal but we can work with it). There are times (whether accidental or on purpose) that these error messages get ignored
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