Change the Distance Between Parts functionality in the Processing station
Would it be possible to have the Distance Between Parts prompt in each the nesting processing stations changed to a distance to add to the nesting tool diameter instead of a fixed spacing? We occasionally select a tool with a larger diameter than our
Drawer Slide Cross Reference
Question ... Does anyone have or know of a drawer slide cross reference chart? Meaning .... That a Hardware Resources Slide "ABC" is exactly the same prep / same slide as an Accuride "XYZ" or the same as a Salice "LMNOP" or a Bee Slide "123" - and so
Type of bit for plexi glass application.
Hi! I wanted to see if anybody has cut plexi glass on their CNC before and if so, what kind of bits did you used? I'm shooting for the cleanest cut posible and the table saw is not delivering what we need. any info on this will be highly appreciated!
New Product- How to add Tab to tab list.
So i've made a new product and just want to add some tabs to organise the prompts better. But because it's a new product, if I go --> 'Part Properties' --> 'Prompts' --> 'Tabs, Calculators, And Warning Messages', The 'Tab List' column is empty, and when
curved cabinet
has anyone tried to make curved cabinets from the library. there is not a lot of prompts that allow sub-assemblies, etc. and when i try to insert a division with shelves it doesn't show up and when you edit anything from the prompts or even when creating
Door/Front Options
I had an idea of making basic door cabinet products a bit easier & all in one. In product prompts having the options on a single product that allows you to pick left door, right door or double door. It would make changing cabinets easier without having
Draw Part 2D
Hi, I am drawing parts in my model space in 2d. Then I create a part and click draw part in 2d. I copy out my drawing I have already done and put it over my new panel in draw part in 2d. When I select my lines to machine them the lines change to random
Increase Size Of Open Buttons
This is probably just something that annoys me rather than being an actual problem, but i'd love the open symbols to be a bit bigger as i quite often miss it by a whisker and open up the folder by mistake Also appears in projects, materials etc
Label positioning
Hi I saw in the work order, in the "part", a column name LabelPosition. Its empty. I was wondering if its possible to have custom position for label for each part instead of always be in the middle? Alex
Edgebanding taking off more than specified
Hi, I am having some trouble with my doors being cut to the wrong size. We cut the door slabs on the saw and edgeband after. For example: A door should finish (including edgebanding) at 22.875" x 35.875". The edgeband specified to the part has a thickness
Using ERP for shipping and shelves
What is everyone using for shipping/tracking your products? How are you shipping your shelves? We use microvellum to print and scan product labels that are placed on the the cabinets,desks and countertops. I've been looking into breaking the shelves
Bay Starter Horizontal
Hello, A little help here please? I want 2 bays of differing widths and the bay calculator is not adding them right, what am I doing wrong here? The total width is 1160 but the calculator only gives the total as 1106. TIA for any help. Ben
New release available today: 21.1.0420.641
We are pleased to announce that the update to build 21.1.0420.641 is now available! Build Highlights You can now import materials from a spreadsheet using the Database Management Tools. This new feature will accommodate hardware, solid stock, edge banding,
Parametric Scallop
Hey all, So we do a lot of worktops through our factory and to make our lives much easier I've built a custom product with most of the things that we are asked for as modifications to our standard worktop. Things like cutouts/grommits, variable radius
base point
i could have sworn i saw a button to find a base point on a part but can't find it. is there a way to see where the base point is on a part in the drawing without have to open part properties? i need to know where to add machining bur i always seem to
Unhandled Exception
Please see image of error attached. This seems to happen anytime I have to redraw a product, anything with a 96mm wire pull. Does anyone have a clue as to how to fix this? Build frameless library 039.2
Scrap Management
So kind of a question, kind of an idea, kind of a discussion. Definitely a big problem. So we have an older model Biesse in our shop. It's from 2010, but it's still going and we've just had a series of major works done on it. It's running. One of the
Drawer Box ONLY
Is there an easy way to produce a drawer box only? Just have the prompts for the drawer box width, height and depth? Similar to the Single Door of Drawer Front under Miscellaneous? Thanks in advance!!
6 Tips for the Community Forums - Wood Hacks S1:E3
Check out the latest Wood Hack video and learn how to make the most out of your Microvellum Community experience.
Millwork Engineer Needed
Dovetail Custom Wood & Metal manufactures and provides complex installations through-out some of Texas' largest construction projects. We are a successful, fast-pace custom millwork, stone, miscellaneous metals and architectural specialty company. We
Perfect Grain Stacking on top of one another
Hello, I am trying to make a list wall panels that will need to be matched with Perfect Grain. I have attempted to assign 'Perfect Grain Info:' under Part Properties of each panel in accordance with the suggestions given in the video below:
I have a division part that has a dado and thru holes (including line bore). For some reason it processes the dado as face 6 machining and we do not flip parts here. How do i get it to machine all on face 5? Also, we use tapered point drill bits as opposed
Shop Fabrication Best Practices - Open Discussion
I wanted to start an open discussion to see what everyone’s opinions are towards fabrication and shop setup. From personal experience, the shop I came from was CNC nested-based. We did not have a saw or point-to-point setup. This was a great and simple
FEATURE REQUEST - Access Subassembly prompts interface from spreadsheet.
If I need to make the same 6 changes to multiple subassemblies, I find myself closing out of edit design data so I can access the subassembly prompts interface. When the changes are repetitive I think it can be faster using the interface.
How Do I Find the Widest Extents of a Spline/Polyline?
Hello - we are using a digital templating laser to apply the shape of the wall in which the plastic laminate countertop will be fitting. Our process is to template the wall, bring in the .dwg into Microvellum/AutoCAD. The curvature of the wall is brought
Drawing cabinet at selected point is "floating" cabinet
As stated when I draw a new cabinet at a selected point (not attached to a wall or anything, just kind of in space) it is putting it there but it is floating in the Z axis. The plan view "dotted cabinet line" is showing at 0 on z axis. When I was doing
Finding all formulas within a product that use a variable
I want to modify a value of a hidden prompt in a product, but would like to be able to see everywhere the prompt is being used within that product. Is there a way to do this? I don't want to change something that I'm overlooking. Thanks.
How to quickly create 50 panels?
Hi, I hope that this is a very simple question to answer, but I have never used MV for something like this... I need to create 50 panels of varying sizes in MV so that I can optimize them to be cut on our beam saw. These will be cut out of 3/4" thk. MDF
New release available today: Build 21.1.0405.641
We are pleased to announce that the software update to build 21.1.0405.641 is now available! Here are some awesome changes to look forward to with this build... This build includes improvements to six areas related to 2D drawing features. You will also
When printing from Report Groups, add ability to choose the printer
When printing from Report Groups, I would like to see a "show printer option". I need my reports to use different printers and not always the default. The option is there when printing a single report.
Extruded Die Walls - Construction Method Open Discussion
I'd love to see an open platform discussion on different construction methods in regards to using the MV extruded Solid tools for Die walls, for desks, etc. This would serve as a source of information on this forum for others behind us, and hopefully
Subassembly Prompt Column - Wood Hack S1 E1
Hey! Check out the latest Wood Hack video! Learn how to take advantage of the Prompt Values column to manipulate project level subassemblies so they behave like unique subassemblies. Also, learn a neat hack for writing string values in these cells!
Remove Grain Parts from MV saw optimizer?
After running the MV saw optimizer for material with a grain, I am getting my total sheet count.This is great but I would like to take out the container parts from the report so they don't show up in my Saw Optimization Report. Is there a way to do this?
Multi Pass Tools for Drilling
Right, so I'm wondering why it isn't possible to be able to set up a multi-pass tool for drills the same way you can for routers. Obviously the uses aren't as numerous as they are for routers but I can think of a few. Am I missing something or asking
Stepped Flooring
So, I'm trying to get my head around the best way to deal with cabinets across steps or on stepped flooring. When I went to do this in MV, I ended up using Draw Part in 2D and drawing out how I needed the parts to end up (the kicker for example). It didn't
Correct procdedure for drawing walls in 2D elevation?
Can some one tell me what is the correct procedure for drawing the return walls here. Every time I go to draw the wall with returns for the elevation I get the RETURN walls laid over on their sides.
Compiled List of Variable and Object Names and Syntax
Looking if there is a compiled list of variable and object names out there? Or a better way of figuring them out quickly.... It's always hard for example to remember if its: Applied_End_Thickness_Left OR Applied_Left_End_Thickness Or if it's: L!Local_Var_Name
Creating flat shots
Im confused as to how you get a product to create a flatshot of its self. I want to create something like the dynamic product image but i cant seem to get the product to take a flatshot and apply it next to the product. Any good walkthrough on how
Different Types of Edgebanding on Different Sides
So in our shop, our edgebander performs a pre-mill before applying edge tape, therefore a 400mmx400mm square panel will come off the CNC at its actual size (400mmx400mm). This is fine except for when we have an edge that needs to be finished by hand (scallops,
Flatshot Token for better default elevations?
While working on some simple custom products I got the the point where I have to do the elevations. I did it using bunch of DRAWRECTANGLE tokens and deleting the DRAW2DBOX tokens in the Drawing Tokens Tab. Wouldn't be easier using the FLATSHOT token?
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