Foundation Soffit Product
Wondering how shops are handling PLam soffits. I see a Valance Product that can be used with some modifications for cleating. Any suggestions!!
Magic Wire
While upgrading and setting up our foundation library, I wasn't able to find the option to use magic wire for pigeon holes. Will this construction be coming back in the near feature or something that will not be supported anymore.
Highlight Token Column in Edit Design Data Spreadsheet View
It might not be a game-changing thing, but I spend a lot of time in the spreadsheet view and having to hunt and peck through the columns to find the token I need to edit is a pain in the neck. I took a few seconds to add a "highlight" color the token columns in workbook designer. Now, every time I have to go and tweak some little thing on a part, I'm not plowing through a thousand search results or scrolling left and right - squinting to see if I can find the bore or whatever token I was looking
Upper Fillers
Is there a way to turn off the bottom return for the upper filler? And also turn off the automatic dimensioning of the upper filler?
Moving Hardware and Finished Faces
Where do you start moving the parts. I modified the sides, top and division, to be 12" deep. Need to move origins 13.875" Any help would be appreciated.
How to keep an additional route on the border cut
Hello, For small parts we setup MV to leave onion skin. We are trying to implement Smartclips with Backsplashes. Problem is that we cannot clean the onion skin on the edge w/ Smartclips. So, we thought to add an additional straight cut that will cut thru
FEATURE REQUEST: All material fields visible in a read-only or preview screen
We would see value in being able to see ALL information about a material while inside of a Project. It does not need to be edit-able, just visible. Currently, in Project Properties, if you are clicked on a material, you can see the following fields in
Sheet Stock Optimization Priority
Knowledge Base (Overview: Materials in Microvellum) notes "If all sheets have an optimization priority of 1, the system will optimize to get the best yield using all the available sheets. Numbers greater than one will optimize as materials are needed."
Feature Request: Cabinet Cutout Subassembly "Back Cutout"
Thank you for making the Cutouts subassembly to help with cutouts in a more automated way. Could you please consider adding Back Cutout as the final option? I shouldn't really say final since someone after me will probably request adding 'Door Cutout'
redraw elevations with out redrawing sections?
I need to make some filler changes to my elevations but do not want all the sections to redraw. Is there a way to do this?
Engineering Services
Hello, if anybody is in need of AutoCAD drawings or Microvellum help I can offer my services at a low price. Ideally looking for a long term relationship even if that means on and off work for the time being, large or small projects. Comment below.
FEATURE REQUEST: Open Edit Design Data inside correct sub when clicking on hardware part
I like the feature that opens Edit Design Data inside the sub or nested sub that the cut part you clicked on belongs inside of. I wish the same thing worked on hardware. We have some subs that are HWR only, but if I click on a HWR part, it brings me into
Adding route priority to dado token routes
Is there a way to set the route priorities to DADO token routes; either the pocket (mortise) or the rabbet (tenon)?
Data Connection Error
New user trying to sign in to our company MV but getting the error "Data Connection Error" Any suggestions on what might be wrong? Haven't created a ticket yet, thought I'd ask here first.
MV Walls - Hatching and Dimension Problems
Hello, I am in a new position and they are a bit behind when it comes to the MV ease and utilization. I'd like to have hatches come in when laying down my walls. I went to the prompts of the wall and it does have hatching checked. Any ideas on what the
Solid Model Manager / Restore multiple products
Why do all my products go missing when I close the drawing? I always need to restore multiple products after drawing was closed. When I try to restore multiple products, it doesn't redraw the product correctly. I then have to start from the beginning
Grain marker has gone missing
One of our drafters noticed that grain markers are not automatedly coming in on 2D Elevations. This seems to be a new glitch as it used to work. We did notice that if we force the grain direction on a door and redraw the grain marker comes in. Any thoughts?
Help with Cabinet
This cabinet isn't a master 2 bay horizontal or vertical as it won't give the option for 4 doors on horizontal and on vertical it doesn't give the middle element, any suggestions as to what cabinet this is? TIA! Like Comment Send
Items Number - Floor Plan
Do you know i way to supress the Items Number for the Floor Plan Only ? Product Prompts Drafting Tab (
Extending Toe Kick with Scribe/Filler
The Toe Kicks on all Base and Tall cabinets are stuck in the early 90s. I've made a few changes here to have them actually use the filler to extend. Our shop generally has the kick captured between the sides. When we have a wall scribe or cabinet filler,
New Toolbox Release Available Today: Build 24.1.1001.641
We are happy to announce that Toolbox build 24.1.1001.641 is now available! This build includes resolutions for an issue with the Toolfile UI, issues that would occur within MVProduction, as well as multiple issues with routes and polyline tokens. Please
Dynamic Product Image
I am trying to have the Hardware draw with my dynamic Product Image, but it does not despite having it ticked in my Global Settings Dynamic Image Dynamic Product Image Options When looking at the L! Workbook Spread sheet i Could not see the prompt for
File Drawer Panel Thickness
I am not sure if this is an issue for others, but the default file drawer panel thickness was set to 3/4" meanwhile in our production it should be 5/8", I would like to see if we can change it based on that so that it will show correctly in work order
Foundation Library and Library Designer
I have the latest Foundation Library as a local installation wanting to do some configuration before I commit it to the server. So far I have hit and miss results with library designer. I wanted to pull a boring token from the rear stretcher and used
Automatic Flip face
When processing parts that were Machined on face 6 they are being auto flipped in the nest without a pop up dialog question if that is needed. How do I turn that dialog box back on?
Where do you change the tool type?
End of Life Announcement for the AU Premium Cabinet Library
Hello, Microvellum Community! We have some news to share with you regarding the AU Premium Cabinet Library... .......... Effective October 1, 2024 We are officially announcing the End of Life (EOL) for the AU Premium Cabinet Library as of October 1, 2024.
Trash Inserts
Hi, I wanted to see if you could add this to the trash insert product in the new library? This is the one we use all the time, and I think a lot of other places use this one as well.
Drawer Box Rip Sizes
Working through setting up the foundation library. We have a range of stock drawer heights and I had version 50.3 set to use stock rip widths. How is this handled in the foundation library?
Parametric equal groove spacing
Hi all, Could an official method be added to create door grooves that have equidistant spacing across the whole door rather the way it's currently done via the D! spreadsheet? (Equidistant grooves in the middle but variable distance on the outside) I
Lookup Table Range
I have a formula that seams to work, until I put everything together. I need help with getting to Range in a LookUpTable to function correctly. Formula: =VLOOKUP(Bracket_Type,VLOOKUP(Bracket_Style,LookUpTableBrackets,7,FALSE),4,FALSE) below is screen
Export/Import Contacts
Hi, Is there a way to export/import 'General Contacts' from one library to another?
Import .sat file to Toolbox OEM 2023
Is it possible to import a .sat file into Toolbox OEM 2023? When attempting to import the .sat file the Toolbox shows a message "You have selected an unsupported DGN file. Only V7 and V8 DGN files are supported." Is Toolbox OEM unable to import it because
2d edit on draw parts
Hey there, I've been having trouble with 2D editing when trying to modify a cut-out in a draw part. I can still 2D edit cutouts in cabinet parts, but not in the back or bottom of a Blum Legrabox. Is this because they are part of a subassembly or something?
Stop cabinets disappearing in Viewbase
is there any way to stop the cabinets disappearing when using the Viewbase stuff trying to make drawings? Ive edified the whole run of units which means each one needs reselecting, problem in do so ive got nothing to double click to select them. What
Unable to process work orders
Hi, I am having issues when creating work orders for my project, and I got several pop-ups on different projects. I would like to know how to fix this issue so I can keep working. Thanks.
Drawer Front Calculator screen layout
Was wondering if anyone knows where the information on the layout of the Drawer front calculator screen is. The Foundation library i am on has the drawer fronts in random order (see pic). Would be great to have these in order from top drawer to bottom
Increase the Maximum upload size for when creating cases.
I think we need to increase the Maximum upload size for when creating cases. The max file size 20mb is simply way to small. I tried to export a work order and without any extra stuff or CAD files it was 25mb. So, I can't create a case a submit anything
Office Furniture Library Expansion
Question. Is the office furniture expansion its own Database (like Foundation or Component) or is it integrated into the Foundation Library like the Face Frame Library that you import products? Looking to upgrade to this as we do a lot of medical offices
New Foundation Library Release Available Today: Build 24.0919
We are happy to announce that a new update for the Foundation Library, build 24.0919 is now available! The latest release of Microvellum's Foundation Library includes resolutions for numerous issues, updates to existing products to improve functionality,
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