Please can the ProductQuantity special prompt be added into every product in the library. We have decided to update to the latest release and therefore have the long road of putting back in what we created within our copy of the products.
Obviously keeping a vanilla version of all products prevents the update wiping our versions which have our company initials at the end of each product.
Problem is, to start, all of the vanilla products need copying again to create our own versions to work within and the quickest way to do that (that I can see), is to use database explorer which is great, except the copy versions, when copied all have their product quantities set to 0. By creating the ProductQuantity special prompt in the design data of a product with a value of 1, enables me to then push across all selected products within Library Designer. A good solution but did take some time, so could this be in all products by default, save having us to do this again if we choose to update in the future? It doesn't make sense to me why they aren't there by default either.
Also whilst doing this, I decided to add the ProductComments to all of the new products too as when your working in design data and have a thought to add a comment in the product you are working in, it's a real pain to stop working in the design data to have to come out and add the comments either through the product prompts or the product list. Both of which take time to do, especially if you use product prompts as it will then re draw for no reason if that is all that is changed.
So Microvellum, please could you add both of these prompts as standard across all products to save the time of doing it all over again for a library update.