Added formula is functioning on it's own, but not applying in actual use.

Added formula is functioning on it's own, but not applying in actual use.

Hey All,

I'm just learning how to apply my own formulae into products. I've created a checkbox in the prompts which when =1 will engage this part of a formula +IF([L]Prompts!$B$430=1,[L]Prompts!$B$4-T1,0)   ( I know this is just referencing directly, but I'm trying for basic function at the moment.)

Both the true and false states evaluate correctly when placed into it's own cell. But when added to the cell in actual use ( for a left partition, pasted below), it doesn't apply to the part.

I'd appreciate some help parsing this out and understanding whats going on. Or if someone has a more complete tutorial on how to add checkboxes, name them properly so they can be referenced by name and add formulae that reference them I'd appreciate it.

=Height-IF(Overlay_Top=1,Thickness_Top-IF(OR(Construction_Method_Top="Dado",Construction_Method_Top="Dado&Screw",Construction_Method_Top="Dado&Cam"),G!Dado_Depth,0),0)+IF(Overlay_Bottom=1,IF(OR(Construction_Method_Bottom="Dado",Construction_Method_Bottom="Dado&Screw",Construction_Method_Bottom="Dado&Cam"),G!Dado_Depth,0),0)-IF(AND(Height_Offset=0,OR(Toe_Kick_Assembly="Toe Kick Assembly Box",Toe_Kick_Assembly="Adjustable Legs")),Toe_Kick_Height,0)+IF([L]Prompts!$B$430=1,[L]Prompts!$B$4-T1,0)

P.S. First time posting. Sorry if this is in the wrong category.
P.P.S. In case it's easier to read. +IF([checkbox]=1,[overall height]-[current height],0) Is my intended function. It's to try to extend an end panel to floor when it's floating by default.

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