Automation of Dowels, Cut Parts, and Routes when adjusting material thickness

Automation of Dowels, Cut Parts, and Routes when adjusting material thickness

As the title implies, Is there a way to automate cut part sizes, routes, and machining holes with material thickness changes?

Example: I want my .75" cabinet sides to be 1" thick. If I change the material thickness in material files through project wizard, project specification groups, or on the individual product level through Parts properties, It doesn't change the Z position of the dowels, it doesn't shrink or expand the parts between the sides (shelves, tops, bottoms), or adjust depth or position of routes.

Do I have to make a copy of my normal library and edit the products to be thicker? Is there a simple solution to automating all of the above when changing the material thickness?

I have used pointers and have hand selected the material. I think that adding a formula to the Z position in the machining tab myself will work for the dowels but wont do anything for the cut parts between the parts that the thickness is changing.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Hopefully this makes sense.

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