Microvellum Knowledge Network

Custom Spec Group Available...

Hello Community!

I've put A LOT of work into my company's default spec group...

I've reworked a lot of things to where it makes sense to me how the spreadsheets should work together...

I've transitioned to inputting all the material choices (descriptions) into the wizard.  A single point of input.  Then in the Cut Parts File, just using an index to call out what material...

Everything is formulaically driven..  For example, if you call out a PL finish in the "Index" pointer, all the materials will populate with predetermined PL materials that will inherit the name of whatever PL "index" number you've chosen. And if you call out a wood, or WD, index, your materials will populate with predetermined WD materials for all your part pointers..  and will inherit the WD description (name) you've input from the "Finishes" in the wizard.

With all of this being formula driven, we only have (1) one template spec group Cut Parts File and Edgeband file..

No need for separate Cut/Edgeband files for PL, Wood, Paint grade, etc...

BTW, There are a lot of other things going on in there... 

I'm putting my hard work out into "the universe" for all to see and have..  I believe the path I've set for the customizations is a superior way to have the files work together within the constructs of the program...  I wanted to share my work with all who are interested...  Use it, ignore it, investigate it...  pick and choose and assimilate pieces of it into your own spec group.  LOL, as a disclaimer, I provide NO warranty to the information I've set forth, just to be clear.  :-)

Screenshot 1: Wizard "Finish Schedule" tab where the user would input the name of each type, and index number, of the materials for the project.

Screenshot 2: Default Cut Parts File where you use the bracketed index call out pointers to connect the wizard material call-out to the Cut Parts.  The "Index" pointers need to have a match from the _Selections > Material Indices material folder (Red) and the "Core" pointers need to have a match from the _Selections > Panel Cores material folder (Yellow).

Screenshot 3: PL indexed Cut Parts file

Screenshot 4: WD indexed Cut Parts File

I've attached each individual file as an attachment to this post...  I'm also including a Google Drive link for our entire library that will contain the full spec group along with our materials...  Which you would need to see the spec group in action...

I'd be happy to answer any questions concerning this information!

Happy New Year!

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