CutRite/WoodWOP Shallow Pocketing

CutRite/WoodWOP Shallow Pocketing

Just throwing this question out for anyone using CutRite/WoodWOP - are your DXF layer rules set up so that CutRite/WoodWOP processes pocketing G-Code, or are you letting Microvellum process the DXF pocketing?

Our current setup, which we were using with Cabinet Vison, is that the DXF's that are input to CutRite have no pocketing calculations. Rather, the pockets are just the enclosed region that will be pocketed, and the layer indicates to CutRite/WoodWOP that it will be a pocket, and if it's a shallow pocket it adds the necessary G-Code.

This process was working fine for Cabinet Vision, but in Microvellum it requires a lot of work tweaking machinine tokens. I find myself having to use draw only tokens that have pocketing enabled along with a machine token that doesn't have pocketing so that both the DXF's and live 3D view in Autocad are correct. There are also issues with automatic lead-ins requiring us to use PLINE tokens rather than CUTOUT tokens, and issues with Dado/Rabbets's that sometimes automatically add pocketing operations to the DXF.

It seems to me that we should change our CutRite/WoodWOP config to allow Microvellum to calculate our pocketing. But I'm still relatively new to Microvellum and this industry in general, so I'm just curious - is this an issue any of ya'll have dealt with? Do you just have your layer import rules set up so that pockets from MV DXF's are just seen inside cuts in CutRite?

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