Cutting Prelam with different Bit and different Z depth
We cut our 3/4" bonded pre-lam panels with a different diamond compression bit. Say Tool # 1333. In the material file for our bonded material I have set the code to |T1333. This works for changing the tool to spit out code with the perimeter route as T1333. But it adds a F2500 to the lines of code which errors the code out at the machine. Why is it adding a hidden feed rate? Sometimes I have internal routes that would need to be both T1333 and T1332(1/4") so I left the space before the [|} blank.
Also do you guys know an easy way to have the Z depth increase for the T1333 bit from standard on a nested based processing station. Our normal non diamond 3/4" thick cuts are at Z-0.7551.
I would like the depth when using T1333 to be at Z-0.77.
Any help is appreciated.
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