I'm having an issues with how my applied ends are being drawn using the Face Frame 2D drawing tool.
The right applied ends draw correctly with all the dimensions and tokens in the right place.
Left applied ends seem be putting the origin for my draw tokens (DRAWLINE, DRAWDIM,DRAWBLOCK, etc.) in a different, incorrect place from the Flat shot itself.
You can see in the screen shot my dimensions, text, and lines that indicate scribe are overlapping the front view of the faceframe.
Any ideas would be appreciated.
A separate issue is that 5-piece end panels draw the rails at full length, with the tongues overlapping the stiles, instead of hidden by them. I believe a MV tech told me that Flatshots happen before the machining is applied, so there's nothing to be done about this, but correct me if I'm wrong.
See screenshots. The pink arrow indicates what is supposed to be the origin point of the Flatshot.
Thanks in advance for any help!