I'm currently in the process of trying to automate some callouts on our 2D drawings and came across this issue with the DRAWLEADER token.
Right now it just draws a two segment polyline where one of the vertices has a modified width to make it appear like a leader. It's pretty clunky to use. It would be amazing if the software/Toolbox team was able to link the DRAWLEADER token to an actual Autocad leader like the leader or mleader.
The current way is just barely functional enough, but it's pretty annoying to have to use. As mentioned, the DRAWLEADER token is actually just a modified polyline. It doesn't add any text, so using it for a callout means you have to manually ensure the leader and text segment are properly aligned. If minor adjustments are needed prior to exporting, it's annoying to move the arrow because you're likely to select the vertices of the line and if you do select the line segment that makes up the arrow, the arrow doesn't change orientation like an actual leader would because the end vertex stays in the same position relative to the line. Most importantly I think, it also means that leader/dim styles are unavailable and if the scale of the drawing changes, annotative text is likely going to be misaligned with the leader.