Editing 2D drawing tokens to reflect accurate 3D model

Editing 2D drawing tokens to reflect accurate 3D model

I have created a custom product for my company and am having an issue with the 2D drawing tokens. It seems that the 2D drawing isn't referencing the correct face to draw.

Product: Custom Suspended Sink Panel with ADA Scald Shield
The problem is the 2D drawing tokens are referencing the top panel edge and not the panel face. I cannot locate any controls in Edit Design Data or anywhere else to select the correct face.

I would like to have the product item number in the correct place below the product to match Base dim and item number placement and show the correct panel face. Below are some snips to better illustrate what I mean.

I am using MV 2023 50.7 Component Library Build # 23.1.329.641

If I am completely misunderstanding how this works, I am fairly new to this and any help would be appreciated. Thank you. 

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