FEATURE REQUEST: Ability to transfer all setting from Old version of Toolbox ('21) to a new version ('22) when doing an install.

FEATURE REQUEST: Ability to transfer all setting from Old version of Toolbox ('21) to a new version ('22) when doing an install.

I would be great if there was a way for Microvellum to transfer all the setups and settings from an old version of Toolbox (’21) to a new version (’22) when doing the install and setup. 


We have multiple users and every time we do a new version update, I have complaints and a days’ worth of tech support helping everyone to get their new programs updated and setup the way they want.  Since it happens once a year or so they never seem to remember all their customizations and that means someone has to figure it all out for them. 


What I would really like it to be able to create 1 master configuration with all the info and then include it or push it out to everyone at install.  That way everyone has the same setup.  Then if they want to change it; it would be up to them to manage. 

  1. Walls Setup
  2. Product Drawing Setup
  3. Options
  4. Drawing Options – (I understand that this is more of a AutoCAD list and that we can use a *.Cuix file to tray and transfer that stuff. 
  5. Customized short cut bar
  6. Etc.

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