Custom Function Request: different version of the MID function

Custom Function Request: different version of the MID function

Though I can understand why it is the way it is, I have never cared for Excel's MID function.  It can be lengthy and seems unnecessarily complicated for some scenarios.  I would love it if MV could make a similar custom function (I will call it BETWEEN here) that returns a part of a string that is found between a beginning character & end character.

Excel's function is:
-----typically means using other parsing functions like FIND to position of 2 characters in the string

Instead, I would prefer:
-----user would not have to know the position of the characters

I could see that there would be concerns about the same characters appearing more than once in a string.  It could either always reference only the 1st instance of each, or the 1st instance of char1 and the last of char2, or add more inputs to determine which one to reference.

A more complex version:
-----user would say which instance of the character it was meant to be concerned with

Depending on the scenario you are using this in, either MID or BETWEEN could potentially end up being faster, but it would be very helpful to have the option of either.

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