The Draw Sections tool is okay, but it could be better. It'd be nice to have an additional distance setting that would be used in more of a SECTIONPLANE/BOUNDARY type section. This would allow the user to create a cut in a section and only have the parts they want to have included be drawn.
For example, if I create an L-shaped die wall and draw a section using the MV Draw Sections tool I will see all the faces of parts on the return portion of the wall. These often get deleted to provide better looking sections. However, if the sections get updated all that crud comes back and has to be deleted again.
Or another example, I create a custom product using the horizontal starter where each bay is different. Drawing a section of that through each bay results in a lot of parts beyond being drawn which makes for some ugly sections that have to be cleaned up with AutoCAD. Again, an update of the sections means all that crud comes back.
Setting up the section tool to use a boundary would be superior than how it is currently.
Another enhancement to sections would be a checklist of the active drawing tokens, based on the section, plan, or elevation selection, where the user could select which tokens they want to include PER section drawn... Game changer!