Feature Request - VBA Editor for User Defined Functions
In Excel pressing Alt + F11 allows you to enter the VBA Editor where you can use Visual Basic to write user defined functions. This can be used to speed up time in Excel and save memory by using a single function instead of formulating a group of combined functions each time.
In example this is what I would like to implement to our project in MV: a function =RemoveTrailingPipe() that will look at token lists we have formulated, and if they have a pipe at the end which would make them nonfunctional, it will remove that. This can be wrapped around the formula in its own target cell whereas I currently have a separate column running =IF(RIGHT(cell-1)="|",LEFT(cell,LEN(cell)-1),cell). The separate column means more hard memory location storage and therefore slower processing of jobs.
If user defined functions were a possibility, all I'd have to do is define my function like so:
Function RemoveTrailingPipe(cell As Range) As String
Dim str As String
str = cell.Value ' Get the value from the passed-in cell
If Right(str, 1) = "|" Then ' Check if the last character is a pipe (|)
RemoveTrailingPipe = Left(str, Len(str) - 1) ' Remove the last character (pipe)
RemoveTrailingPipe = str ' If there's no trailing pipe, return the string as-is
End If
End Function
And then could wrap the token formula with RemoveTrailingPipe().
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