Foundation Library - Face Frame, Closet/Wardrobe, Range Hood Expansions

Foundation Library - Face Frame, Closet/Wardrobe, Range Hood Expansions

As we are aware the Foundation Library is the current library being developed.  

As we are a commercial and residential cabinet company the frameless only version of the Foundation Library doesn't sound to appealing since we then need to purchase the expansions for the Face Frame, Closet/Wardrobe, Range Hoods.  

One of our questions is what kind of development is being put into these expansions?  We see the monthly updates for the main Foundation Library, but we don't really see anything being posted about these now expansion pieces.  The reason being is that even in the last Component Library there are issues with things not working correctly from the default and we want to make sure we would have development and support on these.  

Is it possible to see and test these library expansions before purchase?  If we test them and find development issues, we will most likely want to hold off until they were addressed being that the face frames for our residential side is an absolute must.  

Also, I am wondering why these expansions were taken out of the default library when they were included with the older Component Library.  

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