When dropping new cabinets, the interior finish radio button is hard coded based on if the cabinet is an open finished cabinet or not. This work great when you are dropping selected cabinets from the library as needed. But if you use the “Swap Cabinet” command to replace say a Base Door cabinet with an open cabinet it keeps all the default setting from the Base Door cabinet thus leaving the interior finish of your now open cabinet as “Interior Finish”.
While drafting and engineering we should look and catch things like this it would almost be nicer if at least the default cabinets had their interior finish radio button formulated to change based on the cabinet type. Below is what I came up with and so far it appears to be working as I swap out cabinets and make changes.
Has anyone else already done this or are there issue that you can see going forward? I just don’t want to push this out if there is something that I am missing.
Interior Finish =IF(Open_Finish=0,1,0)
Open Finish =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Open",ProductDescription)),"1",0)
Is am simply searching the ProductDescription for the term “Open” and then using that to determine the default finish. This way only default open cabinet get the finish applied.