How can you "copy and paste" machine token across several hardware items? Adding reference hole to hinge cups...

How can you "copy and paste" machine token across several hardware items? Adding reference hole to hinge cups...

How can I copy this machine token to ALL hinges? Does anyone miss the drill reference hole for hinge cups in the Foundation Library? While I hope to get some help on this, I figured I would post this here on how I got that back in the globals. We have a Blum machine to do all of that so its easier and faster than our CNC honestly. 

We used this feature every time when doing a job with slab doors. So helpful and really speeds up the process. 

I started by adding this to the global variables. You can right click on Hinge Cup Machining and select "show Properties". Add "Reference Hole" to the list. Make sure to hit ok on both buttons or it won't save. 

Head on over to a hinge in the hardware library. For us it's Blum 110+ Inserta which is what we use as a standard. Right click on the hinge and select machine tokens at the bottom. Add a token and use this formula on the first tab there. We use a 3mm bit to predrill for screws and pilot holes so that is what I use here. 

Next, select the first row/box of the other tokens and insert this formula so it turns off other machining. And you are done! Result is up top. 

So now the question is, how can I add this to ALL the hinges under the Blum dropdown? I can't seem to do it in the H! workbook, library designer, or anything else. I really don't want to have to go through and manually add a token for every single hinge. Hope this helped somebody!

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