I was working for 7 years in a company using microvellum and the last 2 years I bought my own license to work at home for the same company. During the 2 years I import and export a lot of projects, submittal for hospitals, schools, commercials case work, red line, 3d in AutoCAD and using solid analyzer for receptions, etc. and I never, never get any problem. I was using the same version, tools file, library and template. Suddenly the company bought a new point to point, some people from microvellum get involve, and recommend to the owner that I cannot continues making shop drawing at home, because I can contaminate microvellum. but one of the persons that make the recommendation has a drafting company service at home. And that person gets all the work that I make before from home.
Later I take the decision to quit from the company because this is not honest what happened to me.
I am 100% that import, and export projects work perfect, that is a very good tool. If somebody thing different, or I am wrong, please make the explanation.