Microvellum Knowledge Network

MV Development - Subassembly name references in product prompts

Some product prompts reference subassemblies by name, which is a problem when we save new subassemblies with a unique name to avoid overwriting with updates. The unique subassemblies are not recognized.

Example: OR portion of the formula in the value & control type column of Amount_To_Extend_Left_Toe_Kick & Amount_To_Extend_Right_Toe_Kick

Existing OR portion of the formula:

OR(Toe_Kick_Assembly="Adjustable Legs",Toe_Kick_Assembly="Notched Toe Kick",Toe_Kick_Assembly="Toe Kick Assembly Box")

Solution: Replace subassembly references with LEFT function.

OR(IF(LEFT(Toe_Kick_Assembly,15)="Adjustable Legs","True","False"),IF(LEFT(Toe_Kick_Assembly,16)="Notched Toe Kick","True","False"),IF(LEFT(Toe_Kick_Assembly,21)="Toe Kick Assembly Box","True","False"))

With this solution we can amend the toe kick subassemblies with our unique name: Example: Adjustable Legs ABC Company

I'm sure there are other places this will solve issues, this is one for me since we have a unique Adjustable Legs subassembly.

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