Nest Station won't turn grain parts 180 deg

Nest Station won't turn grain parts 180 deg

I'm having this problem with the nesting where it will not flip grained parts 180 deg. This causes me issues on ADA side panels. Some of these parts need turned so that they can fit together like the non-grained melamine parts do. I have to keep manually moving these parts on all our work orders with ADAs. 

See the attached pictures of the solid Melamine parts. Which give a pretty decent yield, 7 parts per a sheet.
While the grained parts will only allow 4 parts per a sheet. 

Looking through the other nesting threads I didn't see this situation come up. Is there a setting that will fix this?
I've seen chat of a new nesting optimizer ( I think that's still coming) maybe this could be fixed by that.

Thanks for any help,
Dillon H.

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