Microvellum Knowledge Network

Product Issues: Shelves with Shelf Std

We have been using the "Shelves with Shelf Std" product since we started with MV a little over 3 years ago.  As long as we stick to our regular KV87's and do not change shelf depths manually we have found a way to made it work.  But recently we have needed to make the depth adjustments that don’t line up with the brackets and it has caused some confusion for the people processing the work and shipping.  This has led me to really analyze the product to see what we can do to make it better and more universally viable.    



Product:  Shelves with Shelf Std




The product depth is a drop down and is the depth of the bracket that is being used and not the depth of the actual shelf. 

  1. The product depth is a drop down and is the depth of the bracket that is being used and not the depth of the actual shelf.
    1. Even though you can change the depth of the shelf the product depth doesn’t change.  This becomes an issue later for the packing list and shipping.

  1. When you process this product and create a packing list it gives a product name with an overall WxHxD. 
    1. It doesn’t list the Qty of shelves or their size.
      1. When we process and ship Shelves with Shelf Std we are really shipping loose hardware and loose shelves. 
      2. Based on that the overall product size and description doesn't really make sense.



  1. Change how the product depth and brace depth are figured and used in the prompts.
    1. The product depth should at least be the shelf depth since the shelves could be deeper than the braces.
    2. By technicality the depth could the Shelf_Depth+Standard_Depth.

  1. Change how the Product is sent to the reports to show the Qty of shelve and their sizes.
    1. Instead of the Product name we almost think it should be loose shelf with a Qty since the hardware goes to the hardware section of the reports.
    2. When we process and ship Shelves with Shelf Std we are really shipping loose hardware and loose shelves.  So the overall product size and description doesn't really make sense.
    3. We have the hardware sending to the regular generic packing list and work order summary already. 

  1. A possible work around would be to formulate a comment to auto generate the Qty of shelves and their size. 
    1. ex. (5) Shelves 15" x 60"
    2. How would we go about writing a formula to show up in the comment field for this product? 

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