Microvellum Knowledge Network

Products in Incorrect Room

I think this might be a bug, but I'm not sure and I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this.

We have 4 of these 4 Door tall cabinets that should be in the "1006 Wellness" room, but after processing a work order with them, the room location changes to a different room in that project, "1200b Laundry". 

I originally thought this was caused by the engineer placing the cabinets in the room with a different room open in Microvellum. However, they appear under the correct room in Overdrive Pro. Oddly, the toolbox product viewer shows them in "1200b Laundry" with the "1006 Wellness" room opened. 

I also tried moving them to 1006 Wellness through Overdrive Pro, but got an error saying I couldn't move them to the same room. I had to move them to a different room and then back to 1006 Wellness to fix it.

I think 1006 Wellness was a copy of 1200b Laundry, but the 4 Door Stacked cabinets would have been placed after it was copied. I'm thinking this + some database hiccup/bug caused this.

Has anyone else encountered this and maybe know the specific order of operations that might've caused this so we can be sure to avoid it?

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