Replace Product

Replace Product

I've noticed that "Replace Product" doesn't actually replace products from the library, but instead replaces product prompts.  While I see this limitation could be helpful for a lot of reasons, it would also be helpful to completely replace a product, in other words, convert to the version saved in library.

For instance - I've created a 'Job Specific' section in my library.  I have a project with 120 lockers - These lockers are separated between 2 rooms, and have 5 variations.  After running a test, we discover that some holes I placed with 2d parts are just slightly off.  I fix the issue on each of the 5 variations, then save each variation to the library.

What I can't do is update the 2nd room without deleting and redrawing all elevations/sections.

In other software *cough Cabinet Vision cough*, you could replace items with the library version.  ALL custom parameters and 'fat-fingered' hole locations would be transferred.  I miss this.  Please tell me I'm just not finding this same functionality.

I'd also LOVE to have the ability, in "Draw Part in 2D", to add equations to things like route/hole depth, and x-y locations.  CV's got you beat here too.

I know best practice would be to create machining via a smart machine token from the start, but that's where I'm at today.

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