Report Designer Graphics

Report Designer Graphics

We've been slowly improving our labels over the years.   We now have it showing the point-to-point operator what face the barcode is for with 3 results;  "Face 5 only"|"Face 6 only"|"Face 5 => Face 6".  

We only have room on our label for one image.  If the part only has Face 6 machining, I want it to show the face 6 image.  I tried to use the following expression in the designer to make the image dynamic, but I got an error.  Any ideas?

{IIF((OptimizationResults.Parts.FullFace6FileName.Length>0 and OptimizationResults.Parts.FullFileName.Length<0),"OptimizationResults.Parts_OptimizationResults.WMFStreamFace6","OptimizationResults.Parts_OptimizationResults.WMFStream")}

The error I get is "Report Rendering Message"  - The expression in ImageData property of Image1 cannot be evaluated.  

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