Saving a Project Spec Group to Template/ Find and Replace materials.

Saving a Project Spec Group to Template/ Find and Replace materials.

The other day I encountered an issue when I saved a Project Spec Group to my Template. We use the find and replace tool in order to change our material names to different colors, and we had done this in this project specific spec group. The problem is that when I saved that spec group to the template, all the Template Materials were overwritten with the names from the project spec group. I was able to reverse the damage on the cutparts component using the find a replace tool on the template materials, but when I did the same for the edgeband componenet, the change would'nt stick and would be the wrong names still after loading a different spec group.

What is the recommended workflow for saving a spec group to your template. Is Find and Replace not an option when doing so? and why cant I get the find and replace to work on my template edge banding?

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