SOLUTION REQUEST: Have SMT Create a Layer Specific For Construction Paths
I thought there was a post about "rebuilding products from an existing session" on here, but I can't find it. Or perhaps, the question came up during the IWF Connect - SMT session. Either way, the question was in regards to construction paths; something like if you uncheck a product (to hide it) and close out of your drawing, there is no way to get it back. That happens because the construction path that is associated to the wall becomes hidden. I know I have run into this in the past - it sucks. I just had to learn not to do that by learning the hard way.
My idea isn't necessarily going to fix that, but it might provide a way for the developers to find a way to fix that.
What I would like to see is that when you are prompted to select a construction path that the software would automatically ADD a new layer specific to construction paths and assign it to the selected polyline path. All the other smart layers are MV_blah_blah_blah. So, have it create MV_CONST_PATH with specific layer properties.
A few things I can see this helping would be:
- Lines/objects that are easier to differentiate.
- More reliability when selecting items to "restore from working session" - the software could look for that specific layer to ensure it is a construction path. Right now, I know that if you have other 2D geometry drawn under your 3D extruded product, all those other objects are selected as construction paths. If you delete that geometry, you receive a message warning you that you are deleting a construction path.
- Instead of a construction path being hidden, the layer could be turned off. This would help prevent the accidental, hide, save, close... and lose all your progress.
I'm not a programmer, but I'm pretty sure you could add a line of code to do this using the -layer command.
This would be a huge help for all the users taking advantage of the Solid Model Tools. I would love to see this incorporated.
James Drury
Technology Advocate
MVU eLearning
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