Microvellum Knowledge Network

Workflows around MV crashing when 2D Drawing

A long time ago I started getting in the habit of (not consistently) saving after every time I draw 2d sections with MV. As long as i've been using the software to make 2d drawings, at some point it'll hickup while drawing a section and just crash. As in ACAD just closes. 

My question is, is this everyone else's experience who use MV to make your 2D drawings, and have you been able to work out if it's a setting issue, or just adopted strict saving habits when doing the sections or updating any of the products with 2d stuff linked to it?

The best I've been able to divine is MV doesn't like doing section drawings when pickstyle is set to 0, and often will give an error. the "something...instance of an object" one. Though i don't see this much when its only updating a section if you're just redrawing the product.

It will unexpectedly crash with any of the drawing update commands, often at the worst possible moment. Of course since it's database driven, it usually only means i've lost 10 or 15 minutes of work, so that's great. Just curious about other people's experience. I don't know if it matters, but I've always used Toolbox AC, not OEM.

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