The image above is of a left cabinet side. The yellow rectangle represents the part border. The yellow circle in the top left corner indicates the machine point of the part. All machining instructions are located off of the machine point (machine point = 0,0). When the circle is in the top left corner, it also indicates that the machining is in the VIRTUAL NORMAL FIELD. So, starting from the circle, moving to the right is positive X and moving down in positive Y for machining instructions. When the circle is located in the top right corner, it indicates that the machining is the VIRTUAL MIRRORED FIELD. In that case, moving left is positive X and down remains positive Y. Machine points and the virtual machining fields will be covered in a later section.
The green objects are machine instructions and indicate that they will be performed on FACE 5 (the surface of the part that is accessible by the machine). This part contains both drilling and routing operations.
The purple arrows and text are a visual indicator of the machining start point, depth, and tool compensation (offset). In this image, all the machining instructions have a right tool compensation, meaning the router bit will travel on the right side of the machining line. The arrows and text are particular to routing operations only.