Tutorial: Library Build 048 - Door Data and Wizard

Tutorial: Library Build 048 - Door Data & Wizard

This video explains the differences between the various type of door data (door libraries) contained within the Microvellum Library version 048 and where that data is located.

You will see how the appearance of the prompts page adjusts based on the door data option selected.

It demonstrates how to access the Door Wizard through the Advanced Library Setup sub-component named "Door Wizard Components" Another way to look at the data accessible in this interface is that it is door level global variables.

Another way to access this data, if it will be the same between products, is from the Project Wizard > Door Styles. All changes made in the Project Wizard will also be displayed in the Door Wizard.

The Door Wizard may also be modified in the spreadsheet environment, in the "D" workbook. This interface gives you a better understanding of how all the data works together and how it is possible to adjust your door data to your company standards. (The video contains a tour of the various parts of the lookup tables in the spreadsheet.)

One of the types of data that the D workbook contains is the reference to the AutoCAD profile drawing that is used when creating the doors.

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