Using the Edgebanding Token

Using the Edgebanding Token

Using the Edgebanding Token

As announced in this Help Center article Announcing a New Edgebanding Token, an edgebanding token has been developed that expands the capabilities of the types of part edges for which Toolbox calculates lengths.

This guide presents the two methods used to assign the edgebanding token to a part.
The Edgebanding Token is available in Toolbox 2020 | Build 20.1.0213 or greater, and the Component Cabinet Library v050.5 or greater.
EDGEBAND Token Parameters

Parameters that modify the token.

Token Name


Parameter 1 – Name of Edgeband

The first parameter is the name of the edgeband material assigned to the part. This name must match an existing edgeband material within the material file.

Parameter 2 – Vector Locations or Linking Token Name
This parameter can be used in two ways:
  1. Vector Locations: The first way is to list a set of vector locations (similar to a PLINE token). This list should be formatted as follows: x;y;z|x;y;z. Separate each vector location with a pipe symbol, and each point of the vector with a semi-colon. When a work order is created, the total length of these vector locations will be calculated and added as edgeband length to the part.
  2. The z value for each vector is optional. Use it when you want to copy an existing PLINE token’s vector locations formula or leave it out as it doesn’t affect the calculation.
  3. Linking Token Name: The second way to use this parameter is to link it to an existing machine token that is assigned to the part. This is done by entering the token name description in this parameter. The token description is after the token name inside the bracket symbols ([]). For example, a left or right side will have a token called CORNERNOTCH5 1[Toe Kick Notch]. The description for this token is Toe Kick Notch. If we wanted to link this EDGEBAND token to the CORNERNOTCH token, we would enter in “Toe Kick Notch” in Parameter 2. When the work order is created, we will calculate the entire length of the route created by the CORNERNOTCH token and add that amount as an edgeband record for this part. When linking a different token to the edgeband, it must be a token that creates a route on the part. Also, you can link multiple tokens to a single EDGEBAND token by separating each token description with a pipe symbol (|).
Parameter 3 – Bulge List
The third parameter is used if you added a vector list in Parameter 2. This works the same way as the bulge list for the PLINE token and allows you to enter in a bulge value for each vector point to create an edge with arced lines. Each value should be separated with a semi-colon. This parameter is optional if you do not need to add arced lines to the vector points.
In the office furniture library, you will find a “P End Desk” product. We want to add edgebanding to the shape of the desk. The 2D drawing of this part in the figure below shows that the shape of the desk is created from a polyline route, and edgeband for the polylines displayed in green is not the same as the original edges displayed in yellow.

Fig. 01 - Work Top Part Showing Original Edges in Yellow and Edges Needing Edgebanding in Green

In the part properties, we can add the new Edgeband token to the “Work Top” part.

Add an edgeband material name for Parameter 1.

Enter the polyline description for the PLINE token that is creating the shape in Parameter 2 - in this case, the name is “Border Route Deducting Edging.” Entering this information in parameter 2 links the EDGEBAND token to an existing token.

Fig. 02 - Work Top Part Edgeband Token Details

After adding this new token to the part, create a work order. There are a few changes with this token in place. For each edgeband token added, a new edgeband record will be created in the work order database with the associated length. In this case, notice the edgeband record with a quantity or lineal inches value of the entire route length it was associated with.

Fig. 03 - Work Order Database Edgeband Table

The ‘WMF’ part image will show these new edgeband records as a thick line in the image.
Currently, the program does not display an X to show edgeband for this token, only the thick line option, as shown in the figure below.

Fig. 04 - Part Label Showing Edgebanding on Non-Original as a Thick Line

Token Sample Using Token Vector Points 

In this example, we will use vector points to create the edgeband. Instead of using Parameter 2 to link the EDGEBAND token to an existing token, we will use Parameter 2 to create a list of vector points.

In the image below, we add a PLINE token with a list of vectors and bulge values, which creates the shape of the part.

Fig. 05 - Part Edgebanding from List of Vectors and Bulges

At this point, we have the exact shape of the part edge. Then we can copy Parameter 1 from that PLINE token into Parameter 2 of the EDGEBAND token, and copy Parameter 2 of the PLINE token into Parameter 3 of the EDGEBAND token. This creates an EDGEBAND token with the same vector points and bulge value so that it will create edgebanding along the arced edge of the part.

Fig. 06 - Edgeband Token with Vector and Bulge Details

Although in this example, the EDGEBAND token and the PLINE token contain the same values, they are not linked together. The edgeband token creates the edgeband independent of the PLINE token.

These two methods give the user flexibility on how they want to apply edgebanding to a non-original edge.

Single Part Editor Token Options 

In the figure below, we have created a polyline route in the 2D Part Editor. This part contains the exact shape of the modified part edge, and we also want to add the edgeband token so we can have the correct amount of edgebanding material display for that modified edge. Before we update the 3D part, we need to define the edgebanding to this modified edge. To do so, use the 2D Part Editor to create an EDGEBAND token for this route. Access the ‘Route Editing Tools,’ then use the ‘Select Polyline’ button and select the route in the drawing.

Next, select the ‘Settings’ button. In the Route Properties window, you can add an Edgeband name. If a valid material name is entered in this textbox, an EDGEBAND token will automatically be created and linked to this new polyline token. Use the ellipse button to select an edgeband material from the material file.

Fig. 07 - 2D Part Editor Edgebanding Options

After the part is updated, the new polyline token will have an added description to the token, and a new EDGEBAND token will be assigned to that token.

It is important to note that this feature, of creating an EDGEBAND token from a polyline in 2D, will only work on newly drawn lines in Single Part Editor. If you have an existing token, it is best to add the description and EDGEBAND token to the part manually.
If edgebanding was previously applied to the side, it would be added to the total edgeband length. It will need to be removed for it to calculate correctly.
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