Reference: Scrap Management

Reference: Scrap Management

Access to Scrap Inventory and Scrap Storage Locations (Bins)

Scrap Inventory can be accessed from the Options window and from the Processing Center.

From Options: Select the “Processing” tab. Within the “Scrap Management” area select “Manage Inventory” or “Manage Storage Locations.”

From Processing Center: Select the “Scrap Options” pull down menu and select “Manage Scrap Inventory” or “Manage Storage Locations.”

Scrap Inventory Overview

ID: Scrap ID Number. Used on Nest Optimization Report and Nest Labels to identify scrap inventory more easily. Alphanumeric number created from the last five characters of the Scrap Database Link ID. Not Editable.

Material: When a material is added from Material File, the Template Material Names are used. When a material is generated from an optimization, the Project Material Names are used. Editable within table.

Scrap Material utilization is determined by a one-to-one Material Name match. If scrap is not being used, verify the name is correct.

Storage Location: Scrap Storage Location. Editable with pull-down menu.

Quantity: Scrap Sheet Quantity. Editable within table.

Optimization Priority: Auto-populates with the Template Material Optimization Priority values to the Scrap Inventory Optimization values. When optimizing using scrap, the Scrap Inventory Optimization Priority is used, not the Template Material Optimization Priority. This allows for overriding the Optimization Priorities of the Scrap Inventory from within the Processing Center.

Width: Scrap Sheet Width. Editable within table.

Length: Scrap Sheet Width. Editable within table.

Leading Width Trim: Trim amount loaded from the Template Material. Editable within table. *

Leading Length Trim: Trim amount loaded from the Template Material. Editable within table. *

Trailing Width Trim: Trim amount loaded from the Template Material. Editable within table. *

Trailing Length Trim: Trim amount loaded from the Template Material. Editable within table. *

*Trim amounts can be overridden at the time of optimizing within the Processing Station Scrap Tab under “Use Scrap From Inventory” > “Override Scrap Inventory Trim.” This option will override all used scrap with the trim amounts selected, including a zero trim amount.

Scrap Inventory Controls

From Scrap Inventory:

Add Scrap Manually: Right-click to “Add Scrap from Material.” Template Material selection window will open. From within this window select an existing material. After adding the new material, the Material Name, Bin, Quantity, Optimization Priority, Width, Length and Trim Amounts can be edited.

Delete Scrap: Select a scrap item you want to delete, right-click and select “Delete Selected Scrap.”

From Template Material File:

Scrap inventory is retained within the parent material within the Template Material File. The “Is Scrap” option controls if a sheet size is used for scrap or not.

Add Scrap Manually: When the Material Edit Screen is open, select “Add Sheet Size” at the bottom of the window. Enter the material information and check the box “Is Scrap.” The scrap sheet will now show up in the Scrap Inventory.  

Delete Scrap: Highlight the scrap sheet size you want to delete and select “Remove Sheet Size” at the bottom of the window.

Material Storage Locations (Bins)

Add Storage Location (Bin): Right-click and select “Add.” Bin Properties screen will open. Enter a storage location name and comment (Comments are optional). Select Update.

Delete Storage Location (Bin): Right-click and select “Remove.” Delete notification will open, select “Yes” to delete the storage location.

Edit Storage Location Information: Right-click and select “Edit.” Bin Properties screen will open. Edit the Name or Comments. Select Update.

Saving and Using Scrap

Saving and Using Scrap is controlled per Processing Station. In each Processing Station is a Scrap tab. Processing Stations can be accessed from two locations. From the Processing Stations tab of the Options menu, or from within the Processing Center.

The Scrap tab will only be visible if the selected Processing Stations Type is set to either “Nesting Optimizer” or “Microvellum Sawing Optimizer.”

Save Scrap

Save Scrap Meeting the Following Requirements: Check this box to enable the scrap saving functionality for the selected Processing Station.

Minimum Scrap Area: The minimum area (either millimeters or inches) for a piece of scrap to be saved.

Minimum Scrap Length / Width: The minimum width or length of a piece of scrap to be saved.

Use Scrap

Use Scrap From Inventory: Check this box to enable the use of existing scrap inventory for optimizing with the selected Processing Station.

Automatically Consume Scrap Inventory: Check this box to enable the automatic consumption of scrap inventory with the selected Processing Station. 

Override Scrap Inventory Trim: Check this box to override the scrap inventory trim values with these trim values for the selected Processing Station.

Committing New Scrap to Inventory

To commit scrap to inventory, select the “Scrap Options” pull-down within the Processing Center and select “Commit Scrap to Inventory.”

Select one or more of the Batch/Processing Stations under “Work Order Batches.” Within “Scrap Saved from Batch,” select the scrap you want to commit to inventory, as well as the “Material Storage Location” desired.  Press the arrow icon button to move the selected scrap to the select storage location.

Work Order Batches: Displays all the Batches and coinciding Processing Stations processed for the currently open work order. Multiple Work Order Batches can be selected in this window.

Scrap Saved from Batch: Displays scrap material that has been generated within the selected “Work Order Batches.”

Material Storage Location: List of the available Material Storage Locations (bins).

Committing Used Scrap from Inventory

To commit used scrap from inventory, select the “Scrap Options” pull-down within the Processing Center and select “Commit Scrap to Inventory.”

Select one or more of the Batch/Processing Stations under “Work Order Batches.”  Within “Scrap Used by Batch,” select the scrap you want to commit as used. Press the arrow icon button to remove the scrap from inventory.

Scrap Used by Batch: Displays scrap material that has been used within the selected “Work Order Batches.”

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