product viewer
how can i move my product from product list to product viewer ?
Solid Modelling Tools - Change Part Thickness
When creating an extruded product in Solid Modelling Tools, each extruded part is assigned a material with a specific thickness. Typically drawings are made before receiving the sheetgoods. We draw the parts with their nominal material thickness. After receiving the sheetgoods, we would calibrate the material to get the actual thickness. How do you change the material thickness of an extruded part? Simply modifying the section drawing does not work. An error message pops up saying that the modified
Rotating a wall with cabinets on it
Hello, Just trying to find the "proper" technique to rotate a wall that had cabinets attached to it. During FD's, we realized the wall wasn't built quite as drawn. When you rotate the wall using the command found in modify room components, you get something like this: What am I missing? I have a few rooms like this and I'm trying not to dig in and do it the hard way. Thanks.
How to adjust the Side Mount Runner Slide Gap?
I need to make an adjustment so that drawer boxes are automatically sized in cabinets such that the gap on each side (from outside of drawer box to inside of cabinet side) is 7/32 or a total of 7/16. Please help, I have searched and found nothing.
Manipulate secction dim style and call out?
The sections generated by Microvellum do not match what we submit . How do I change the dimstyle of the sections? I would also like to change the section detail block to the one we use to submit drawings. At this point when sections are generated we have to go back and change dimstyles for all section dimensions and replace all section detail callouts. In the photo attached the smaller dim is what I need and the larger one is what is generated through microvellum. The larger detail is what I need
Section Drawings as Blocks
I recently updated my version of MV and my section views are now being generated as a block. When I explode the block to adjust dimensions, add hardware, ect, the dimensions, associated hatching, and every other component break down into individual lines. Is anyone else experiencing this?
Mirror Room?
What are you guys doing to Mirror a room? I know others are running into this, say on a typical and similar kitchens, exam rooms, etc. I notice that there is no mirror room, only mirror product. once and a while I use it and it works right, other times the results are funky. But, that could have been old versions. I just tried it in the latest beta and it failed. I'm not sure if it only worked on 2D drawings?
Ridiculously increasing file sizes in OEM builds 20.1.XXXX
Anybody else experiencing extremely large file sizes on any Toolbox OEM builds 20.1 .XXXX? I have a support ticket for this, but I can't believe it hasn't been addressed yet..,, Which makes me wonder about other users' experience... How I've been testing this is... I will open a new drawing, draw in one 3D product and save the drawing and record the file size. Then I wall redraw that product once and save the drawing again. Just that single redraw will increase the file size by about 2000KB.
Draw 2D Wall Plan View walls not connected error
I'm trying to drawing a 2D plan view with 3 walls created from a polyline and MV is telling me that the walls are not connected/ Where is the option to conenct these walls so I can create my 2D plan view? Thanks!
Angle for back of cabinet in bay window
Curious to know how to angle a cabinet in the back instead of the front. I have tried messing with transition cabinets but it seems it will only do the fronts. See the attachment of the bay window and I have drawn lines of where the cabinets need to go.
Draw Invisible Wall
Is there a way to draw an "invisible wall" like in v67? Sometimes I need to drop cabinets in an open area where there are not walls. In v67, it would just draw a line as a reference to drop the cabinets. In the newer version, you cannot draw a wall with no thickness. There will always be a wall drawn. I know you can turn off the AutoCAD layer that the walls are drawn in, but it would be nice if you did not have to turn on and off layers.
Color Label Formula/Variable for Base Cabinets
Allow Color Label to be based on Toekick height + Color Label Size. Currently you have to manual change each location if you have something other than a 4" base
Fill Wall With Products not working with some products
Occasionally I will try to fill a wall with a product, but the product's Width does not get adjusted properly. These are the same products every time, so it leads me to believe that there's something in the product's spreadsheet that isn't set properly rather than the actual "Fill Wall With Products" command misbehaving. I know it's happened with a couple products I use semi-regularly, but specifically now it's the Valance product. Library 44.1. The default value of the Valance product is "=IF(Units=1,96,2438)",
Add a "Spacing" feature when placing multiple cabinets.
We often do jobs that use the same cabinet many times, but with a specific space between them. Sometimes it's 3/4" and sometimes its 1/4" or something in between. I would like to have a "spacing" field in cabinets that would place multiples with the specified space between them as populated in that field. This would save a lot of time on certain jobs.
FEATURE REQUEST: Ability to Copy a Category Inside a Project
We would like to use "Categories" inside our jobs to better organize the rooms. If we do so, we would like the ability to copy an entire category at one time with one click. So, if we had a category that was the 1st floor of a hospital, we could just
How to Edit 'Fill wall with products' dialog box
When you place a product using 'fill wall with products' this dialog box appears: I'm wondering if there is any way to edit the calculations that give the defaults for these prompts. For example I would like Product Quantity to come in as '1' for default not '6' like it is. Is this something I can find in the globals or project Wizard? Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Josh
How likely would it be to get "DRAWWIPEOUT" added to the 2d drawing token options?
I'll cross my fingers for it anyway. Being able to utilize wipeout in MV generated drawings would be fantastic. Also "DRAWARRAY" could be fun too, but if i had to pick between the two, my vote's on DRAWWIPEOUT (that could hopefully receive hatching as well, though not absolutely necessary)
Unhandled exception
Can anyone interpret this unhandled exception error, or give me a general idea of what may be going on? I'm trying to draw a Wall Paneling product in 2D. Toolbox OEM 2020. This is just a curiosity thing. I can work around it, so I don't feel like a help ticket is warranted. ************** Exception Text ************** System.Exception: eInvalidInput exception at ᜏ FileName = ម Line: 0 Column: 0 at .ᜀ(Exception A_0) at ម.ᜏ(Int32 A_0, String A_1, Boolean A_2) at ើ.ᜀ( A_0, objGenericToken
2020 OEM + customizations
Does anyone know if it is possible to code up minor add ins with the OEM package? .net, VBA, Lisp, etc. I use Sheet set manager, and it's annoying to change the viewport back to the VPort Layer every time I place views on a sheet.
Viewport scale is not working properly
I have been trying to scale my drawings and its not working properly at all. No matter what scale I try to use. Usually in AutoCAD, we use the scale 1:20 for the final drawings. But when I do it in microvellum, the drawings just blow up. Is there any way I can fix this issue? Or is scaling drawings properly in viewport just not a part of the microvellum program?
MV Quick Toolbar Button Request
It would be handy to have Associate Products to Wall & Remove Wall Association from Wall as an option to add to the MV Quick Toolbar. and Edit Multiple Product Prompts
Lost block attributes on a title block, but only on one work station.
We have a materials block in our title block in our template, and of course, all drawings made from it. One of 2 work stations lost the ability to add data to the attributes. It works fine on my work station, but won't open the attributes on any drawing on his work station. He double clicks it, and it just goes into node edit. No attribute window pops up. Does anyone know what could be wrong?
Drawer Front and shelf opening Calculator
When you are using this function and you change a value to be able to recalculate the items you have set to equal so they can be easily calculated do not recalculate. You have to uncheck a box then recheck it then recalculate as the calculate box is greyed out until you change one of the checkboxes. Ideally, this would function would recalculate on the fly as you change one value or as another solution just never grey out the calculate button so after you make a change you can just hit the calculate
Product drawing random lines
I have a product that I made with the solid model analyzer that is placing lines in the shape of a rectangle at the 0,0,0 coordinates. Separate lines, not polylines. The rectangle measures 1/2" w x 3/4" h. I've been able to determine that it is being created by the interaction of the DADO machine token on my studs with the top and bottom plates, but I cannot figure out why it's being created. I've attached the saved XLS file of the product if anyone wants to take a look at it and see if they can
point style/nodes
changing point styles
Wish List - Section Default Options
The current default setting for the "Draw Product Sections" command is set approximately to the centerline of the product. Speaking for myself, more often than not, the default section location is problematic. I have to type in the “Distance in X From Product Origin to Cutting Plane” each time and have to spend time to determine where that should be. It may only take a short time to accomplish, but when you add up all the time spent on the multiple sections I do for each project it adds up fast.