Recent Topics
Foundation 25.0124 Door Center Panel
What is causing the center panel to not be visible? It shows up in 24.1127
Component Library to Foundation Library Update
Is it possible to update from my current V050.5 to the latest Foundation Library build?
2D sections are not holding cabinet off the wall even with the wall offset setup in prompts
HI All, I am having an issue when I make a section of a base cabinet it will not hold the cabinet off the wall 1/4" even though it is setup in the prompts to hold the cabinet off the wall 1/4". The 3d model is working just fine and holding off the wall
3D Objects Are Plotting In Color
Hello, I'm having an issue where my 3D views are plotting in color, instead of black and white. My ctb file has all indexed colors set to black so I'm not sure what the issue is. I just started to add perspective views to my drawings today, so I'm not
Altering Work Order Settings
How do I change the organization system for the saved "Work Order" .MPR files? When I generate a new work order, it creates .MPR files for our CNC and it organizes the "part files" by material. Can I change this to organize how I want, say by tops, or
Issue with sheet qty for duplicate sheets
Ive been doing jobs that require multiple copies of cabinets for a hotel. in total I have 10 styles of cabinets with 8 of each. when i nest the parts i run the material costing report to see how many sheets i need, but when im going to cut the sheets
In the foundation library, adding pocket mortise machine token to product.
When processing single part, its hanging up, not processing.
Formatting Fraction In Reports
Hi Everyone, How do I go about formatting fractional units in my reports. I use the metric library and am trying to add secondary units in my reports, for my customers that like imperial. Right now the fractions are coming out to the closes 1/2". Would
Looking for On-Site Microvellum Project Engineer
Kay Dee Company, a commercial casework and millwork manufacturer located in Omaha Nebraska is seeking a Microvellum project engineer. Summary The selected individual for this role would demonstrate proficient use in Microvellum in order to create shop
Look Up Tables
I have an issue with Lookup Tables and Hardware. We are adding different shelf clips to our hardware list so they show up on the hardware processing lists. I added a Hafele pin to the hardware tab in the material files and went to the look up table for
Looking for entry door library
Hello I am looking for entry doors pack.
Making a 3 panel shaker door? Is it really not possible?
I need to make a 3 panel shaker door. I have created our own door profiles we use but it is using the D! workbook LookUpTables. I am only really seeing an option for 2 panels. Seems crazy you can't door more than that.
Cabinet rails no longer function
As per the title the cabinet rails have failed to properly work on most of the units i draw which are all face frame based since the last 2 or 3 updates. I believe the problem lies with this new vertical front rail that has been added, i keep seeing it,
Add ability to Copy Formula Driven Material, at minimum when in Advanced Library Setup
This would be helpful from a library development standpoint. Right now its tedious to have to create another material that is exactly the same but with minor changes, because you can't copy a formula driven material. I understand it's probably not needed
Subassembly Save Location
Where do I find the subassemblies that I saved to the library? I'd like to go in and delete one so I can reuse the name.
Adding a Drop-Down Box Into Prompt
How do I change my 'Drawer Box Depth' into a drop down? Right now it accepts any value but we only have box sizes 9|12|15|18|21|24|27|30. I'd like to create a drop down box with these values.
has anyone made curved parts like below and got the error when processing that they didn't fit on any sheet in that material when you know it will fit? i had the true shape nesting for a month and it still wouldn't nest parts like this correctly unless
Mac Platform
Does anyone know if Microvellum is available a MAC platform? We have a user that might be working remotely but only has a mac system at home.
Product Name Font Increase
I'm trying to increase the size of the Product Name on the Plan View. Under the AutoCAD properties if I increase the Paper Text Height it works, but I want to save this setting to the Dimension style, however Annotative dimension settings appear to be
Unhandled Exception Error while working on my project
Hi, I have encounter this issue rarely, still it is better to have a discussion on how to fix it. Normally I just restart my program and it went back normal again without the error, but I would like to know if others have occur this issue and have a permanent
FEATURE REQUEST: Allow a Single Product Prompt Image to Display for a Dropdown (ctrl type 5) Prompt
I know that if you save images with names that match the dropdown options, a different image can show up per selection, but can you have one image that displays for the question in general and not for each item in the list? I tried putting a jpg image
MV Development - Subassembly name references in product prompts
Some product prompts reference subassemblies by name, which is a problem when we save new subassemblies with a unique name to avoid overwriting with updates. The unique subassemblies are not recognized. Example: OR portion of the formula in the value
Associative Machining Mirrored
I'm setting up a coat hook for some lockers we are going to run, and the machining works properly on the back and right gable but is somehow flipped when applied to the left gable. Not sure what is going on, anyone else have this problem before and what
Single 5 Piece Door with Multiple Panels
Just curious, does anybody know if there's an update on the Development of Single 5 Piece Doors with Multiple Panels? I know there is programming to be able to do a 5 piece door 2 panels wide x 2 panels high, however what I'm referring to would be something
Status Update: New Sawing & Nesting Optimizers
Hey, Microvellum Community! I have some good news to share with you! As many of you know, our development team has been working on a complete redesign of our saw and nesting optimizers. This isn't just an enhancement of our existing optimizers; it's the
Door with Double Rebates
This might be a simple question, is ithere an easy way to set a double rebate on a single glass door. I have a client that wants a brass mesh insert at the front and 4mm glass behind. I can set the glass rebate, but is there a second option for a second
Batch Name Report
I am wanting to add the batch name to a report we use at our Point to Point CNC. I know how to reference the data inside reports, but I cannot get it to populate with a new batch name. I can show "B1" but when I make "B2", it still shows "B1", I am not
FEATURE REQUEST - Tool information needs to be visible on reports
We have the border tool displaying on our nest reports using the Material Code from the PlacedSheets table. We would like to display more information (like the description "3/8" RH Comp" as an example) about that tool if possible, but I can't figure
FEATURE REQUEST: Add Search Function to find Jobs when Exporting Projects
I need to export a bunch of random projects, and the only way to know where they are is click Projects Button and run a search. Then write its folder path down and manually find it in Database Management. Is there a better way to export a bunch of projects
OEM Library Addition -- Man Door Products
I like the thought of having a set of products, subassemblies and reports to assist in the manufacture of man doors. This would be a great addition to OEM libraries. Some basic requirements we would like to see are: Cut listing cope and stick parts with
has anyone made a blumotion wood drawer box (5/8 material) and saved to the blum drawer parameters for a project. i have adjusted the formulas for a single drawer and i need to save it to the project so all my drawers are built to those parameters.
Hardware Scaling
Is there an easy way to make a 3d model and get it to scale properly? I was matching an existing drawing that used metric, but when I loaded the slides in, they were drawing mm's as inches. I checked Units and -dwgunits to make sure they matched. Measured
2D Drawing for Applied Moulding
We created our cabinet doors in Library Specification Groups D! Workbook. Now when calling for 2D Elevation drawings the Applied Moulding doesn't show. Do we need to add 2D tokens for this? I tried adding DRAW2DBOX but this doesn't even give the miters.
Removal of unused hardware
Is there an easy way to remove hardware from manufacturers that our company will never use without messing up the entire library and formulas? Our company has never used Grass or Hettich hinges, or Hettich and King drawer slides, yet these items take
item # scaling
I'm setting up standard scaling moving from annotative. I have everything working correctly except the item number which comes out very large. Anyone no where the variable is that controls this? I'm in the latest version of the foundation library Th
New Toolbox Release Available Today: Build 25.1.0221.641
We are happy to announce that Toolbox build 25.1.0221.641 is now available! This build includes resolutions for various UI issues, issues with sorting parts and materials, an issue with exporting CSV files, and more. Please refer to the complete Release
Products in Incorrect Room
I think this might be a bug, but I'm not sure and I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this. We have 4 of these 4 Door tall cabinets that should be in the "1006 Wellness" room, but after processing a work order with them, the room location changes
No machining for drawer adjusters
I have recently converted to the foundation library. The first project I drew has a bunch of drawer cabinets, and we use drawer adjusters. I believe I have set all of the appropriate prompts in the library for the drawer adjusters, but I don't get any
Remove additional lines from elevation?
I need to remove the lines that are coming out in the elevation for the ada unit. The prompts for a toe kick are turned off but in the elevation its still showing the toe kick.
Die Wall Skin
Curious to know how many shop use a "French Cleat"