Export Cabinets
Is there any way of exporting cabinets in a 3d format like .obj or other extensions to implement/import on a website or in fusion 360 or blender? If I'm not approaching this right, how do other people think of showcasing a product on their website or
How to modify upper cabinet to match vaulted ceiling?
Does anyone know how to make the proper modifications on a upper cabinet to fit a vaulted ceiling? I'm new to Microvellum and I tried the add/modify parts for it but cannot make the angle piece work out, if any of you have any idea please let me know.
countertop dim
What's the best way to modify the elevation width dim on the straight countertop product? I just want it to show up in blue on the same layer like the rest of my dimensions, but for whatever reason any changes I make don't affect it. I'd also like the
Hatch Direction
Is there a way to default hatch direction to a certain orientation? Example - hatch for a plywood countertop substrate should run left to right, while the splash hatch should run top to bottom. Is there a way to do this automatically? Thank you.
Color Labels only go to 4 characters
Hi all, We now have specification groups that go to 5 characters: PL10G, when our cabinets draw in 2D Elevation we only get the first 4 characters. Does anyone know how to increase that limit? Thanks!
Help With Plotter Margins
I am looking for some help with plotter margins from the Gurus in the community. After upgrading from Toolbox 2021 to Toolbox 2022 I have noticed that when we print to the default plotter (PDF Creator) the margins are incorrect in the PDF and are cutoff
Default Wall Heights
I was asked by a newer employee why we could not enter a default wall height anywhere in the wizard or global file while setting up a new project. Good question I thought, so I dove in and fell flat on my face once i figured out that wall have a different
Creating a set of Shop Drawings from Multiple Rooms
Currently where i am working we are creating shop drawings within Microvellum, but ONLY drawing in one "room" even though there are multiple rooms for the project. We draw the entire job under one project and one room in order to utilize the Layout tabs
Wall Panel Product
How do I add the color label and grain marker on the Wall Panel product for 2D Wall Elevations?
Product Names
i have just started using the Foundation library and want to know how to remove the product/cabinet name the appears in front of product in 3d model space etc.. as good as it is they tend to overlap a lot and appears messy and hard to read anyway. so
How Many of You are Using VIEWBASE?
I'm curious to know how many users are using AutoCAD's VIEWBASE command to create their paper space layouts/views. The concept is pretty cool, but for me the cons outweigh the pros. Pros: Quickly draw elevations, sections, isometric views on a single
modifying cabs
I am a new user of MV, about 3 weeks. I know of some modifications that you can do on cabinets, but I was trying to draw a Credenza and can't seem to find the correct modifications to get what I wanted. I am doing a one cabinet unit that is 5' long with
Elevation is off when associated products are off the wall
Sometimes I need to have my cabinets off the wall , have a gap at the back. As long as my cabinets are on the wall Elevation draws fine. If I move the cabinet off the wall to create the gap, Elevation goes haywire. Is there a trick to keep the elevation
Dim overlaps the item number?
I need to move the box dimension down a little further as it overlaps the box item number. I am going to the global variables/shop drawings/2delevations/ elevation dim offset baseline and elevation dim offset veritical but this does not move the dim in the drawings. Anyone know if I am looking in the wrong location?
Movento locking device duplicated at product base point
Here was a weird one! The blum tandem locking device didn't do this, but the Movento one did. The item was placed correctly at the drawer box, but is then duplicated at the product base point. I opened the dwg files and discovered the Movento drawings
Draw 2D Wall Elevation
I would like to know where I can identify 2 things: 1. Where do I locate the information that tells mv to draw the elevation label. 2. After purging the label and then redrawing the wall, the block attributes are not coming in at the right location.
island detection default settings
Hi, is there any way to change the default settings so that when I type BO, and the dialogue box comes up, the island detection option is NOT checked? I never need to detect islands, but after updating AutoCAD 2023 with MV, for some reason is always activated,
On Site Measurement App
Hi Everyone, I'm seeing if anyone knows of an app that can be used in the field to take measurements from a laser measuring tape, and upload it to the app and create room heights and lengths. I've looked online and so far I haven't had any luck finding
Angled Height Cabinet - How To Build
Hi all, I have a wall that angles down from 81" high to 36" high and the customer wants a open cabinet with adjustable shelves that matches the wall angle. I am not sure how to build a cabinet in microvellum where the left side is say 40" high and the
Is there a way to get the viewport Scale into a block or field without using sheetsets?
Currently trying to completely automate our titleblocks, I can't figure out how to get the scale to update automatically. Also would really like to find a way to automatically update the scale in a block in the model.
2D Section Missing Parts
When I create a 2D section of my cabinet it comes in perfectly fine with all the parts *see attached*. When I modify a part in my cabinet or redraw it, the cabinet disappears in the 2D section view *see attached*. I have to redraw the section every time
need filter function in global table
Hi, We would like in global table, we have filter function for some tables if the table has a lot of record. See below example. We have a lot of record per each option. It is very long table. It is very hard for me to search the specific record. If we
2D Grain Direction Marker
I am having a problem with the 2D Grain Direction Marker in the 2D elevation drawings. I believe I have the setting correct in the material file but the markers on the 2D Elevation are horizontal when they should be vertical. IS there somewhere else to
FEATURE REQUEST: System prompts that reference the product's X, Y, and Z origins of a product
This data exists in SQL, but so far I haven't found how I can access it inside the product. I checked "MV System Prompts" and didn't see any listed. I tried the following: ProductX Product_X ProductXOrigin Product_X_Origin None of which seemed to pull
dowell holes (newby question)
Hello there! I am very new to microvellum, I am trying to manually add dowel holes to a board, what is the best procedure to achieve this? I believe it's under 2d machining tools, on the vertical drilling tools tab, but then what? Thanks!
New Pull Orientation Shown Wrong
Hi All, It's been awhile since I've added a new pull to my Library v49_1. I have everything working except for when I draw my Elevation. The pull is showing vertically on my trash pull-out, when it should be horizontal. I switch to another pull that was
How can I add a single inner drawer with another subassembly (shelf and divisions) below it?
Hello I am trying to add 1 single 5" inner drawer with a shelf and 4 vertical divisions below it into a 1 door base cabinet. Client wants it to look like a regular single door cabinet from the outside, and then have baking tray storage and a utensil
3D Item Block
I seem to be having a problem with my 3D Item block and not sure how to fix it. When I try to turn off that layer, only the number turns off, the border stays on.
Copy Product - Option to Deselect an Item/Product
If you accidentally catch the wrong product there is not an option to deselect this item. You have to copy and then erase.
Window Option with Rotate Command
Option to select a group of cabinets to rotate ilo one at a time. Just like option with Move/Copy, etc.
Deleting Hardware
Hi there, I'm new to microvellum and am trying to delete a lift-up door mechanism from my cabinet (I want the door to be fixed and don't want the hardware included in the order). It seems like it should be easy but I can't figure out how to do it. Thanks
Sections deleted when editing formulas in Part Properties
We just updated to 2022 and now whenever I edit part properties, all of sections for the cabinet edited get deleted. I have the sections set to Automatically Redraw Sections under the AutoCAD options.
Extruded Part to Extruded Part machining
When using Solid Modeling Tools usually Vertical Parts (Studs) create machining on Extruded Parts (Plates). My question is how do you create machining between Extruded Parts (Ribs to Skins)? Thanks
Struggling to make UDPP work with attributes in title blocks, please advise!
The issue I am having is the User Defined Project Properties data not "talking" with attributes I make inside a block. It keeps showing up blank and I cannot figure it out for the life of me. I am doing a test now to understand but eventually would like
View base
Hi all, New here but been using MV for 5 years. Have a problem with view base in Paperspace and a problem with views in Modelspace. Build is 22.1.720.641. Updated recently and its only happening since then. View base will not section anymore, all i get
Lotus Technical is hiring 1 more Commercial Millwork Drafter/Engineer!! This is a direct hire and fully remote position! Our client is based out of St. Cloud, MN. -Must be proficient in AutoCAD and Microvellum. -Commercial millwork experience preferred.
How can I make screw holes on face 5/6 a
Hi. I'm new to Microvellum. I've been trying to add a screw hole in a 25mm bottom panel that is perpendicular to a groove where the outer wall panel sits and have been using the right machining tool, but the holes are not showing up on the drawing. And
FLATSHOT on complex products
Does anyone successfully use the FLATSHOT tokens on complex products like die walls? The whole idea seems really cool, to be able to use these live images on reports and tags, but when I try it out every now and then, it never seems to get me what I want
D for DIM was totally working for months!
When I type my custom pgp alias 'D' for the AutoCAD 'DIM' command, I now get the attached message. There's nothing missing!! All layers, dimension styles and text styles are available. This occurs in multiple drawings. New drawings from our template
Default Layers
Hi, We are struggling to find the setup to have our layers saved as a defualt. Every time we open a new room and project we have to set the new layers up
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