Extending Toe Kick with Scribe/Filler
The Toe Kicks on all Base and Tall cabinets are stuck in the early 90s. I've made a few changes here to have them actually use the filler to extend. Our shop generally has the kick captured between the sides. When we have a wall scribe or cabinet filler,
Bluebeam Plugins in AutoCAD OEM
I just thought I would post this topic to see if anyone else wished Bluebeam was able to plugin to the OEM version of AutoCAD. In the past I had the pleasure of using full AutoCAD which Bluebeam was able to add plugins to. This was great for making things
Highlight Token Column in Edit Design Data Spreadsheet View
It might not be a game-changing thing, but I spend a lot of time in the spreadsheet view and having to hunt and peck through the columns to find the token I need to edit is a pain in the neck. I took a few seconds to add a "highlight" color the token columns in workbook designer. Now, every time I have to go and tweak some little thing on a part, I'm not plowing through a thousand search results or scrolling left and right - squinting to see if I can find the bore or whatever token I was looking
Lookup Table Range
I have a formula that seams to work, until I put everything together. I need help with getting to Range in a LookUpTable to function correctly. Formula: =VLOOKUP(Bracket_Type,VLOOKUP(Bracket_Style,LookUpTableBrackets,7,FALSE),4,FALSE) below is screen
Is there a way to stop the view from changing and zooming out every time the product regenerates
Best Practice: Managing Varying Plywood Material Thickness
Hey Everyone! We have started down the road of Formula materials, but I am not 100% sold that is the proper way to go for us and I am looking to see what others are doing to manage material thickness' when using full dado construction or similar. What
Just like it says on the tin, if I type MVPRODUCTPROMPTSMULTI, I get MVPRODUCTPROMPTS, which is different and not what I typed in. This all seems to be despite the fact that MV clearly calls the prompt MVPRODUCTPROMPTSMULTI whenever you click the button
Bulge Angle Help
I have a polyline drawn, "A" and "B" in the image are dynamic, and it will affect the bulge. I am not sure how to calculate that? I understand bulge is the angle, and I can get this hard coded fairly easy but I need this to be formula driven. Just not
A&M Hardware
Has there been any discussion to adding the A&M hardware Library to the Hardware options?
Has anyone had any issues with the offsetpolyline function in the 23.1.1027 build? It seems to be broken in every formula of our products and I'm wondering if its my syntax or a bug (the function was working fine in previous builds)
Can you differentiate between boring/drilling bits on anything other than diameter?
We're wanting to use a tapered 5mm through bit as opposed to a brad point for drilling our pulls and some other through holes. Is there a way to call this out in a token? Our knee jerk approach is assigning it a different diameter like 5.5mm, which should
Conditional BORE token on a pull
We're trying to set a associative hardware token on our pulls and are running into an issue. What we're trying to do is have all pulls that are on drawers be counterbored on the back side so that the screw head is below the face so the pulls can be attached
FEATURE REQUEST - Named Variable Hub and Dependency Tree
It would speed up workflow if there were an easy window to open containing all global and local variables, identified by which type they are, where you could alter the variable name and it would update all instances across the library. If two sheets'
Small Part Dowel Spacing
I've run into a little quandary. Based off of some AWI standards and various iterations of our shop's normal methods, I've had to modify the dowel hole spacing. Small parts (i.e. nailers and spreaders) need to get the first dowel at 30mm and the next
FEATURE REQUEST: Allow Alt+Enter Inside "Edit Formula" box to organize formulas
In Excel (and inside cells in MV), you can type Alt+Enter in between parts of a function to separate the text into multiple lines (fyi - it may cause some unwanted formatting changes). I'd love to see this function, or some other way to use "Enter" inside
Can a person create a User-Defined Workbook?
Just double checking - there isn't a way to add a user-defined workbook (in addition to F,G,W,D,M,E,H,S,&N) and be able to reference it within other workbooks, correct? I tried to add one via Workbook Designer, but it didn't seem to let me rename it from
Adjustable Shelf Locations Lined Up With Bore Holes
I let my OCD run wild and took some time after hours to correctly locate the shelf supports and shelves. There were a few ways I could have done this and, if there's interest, I could go through the reasons why I wound up doing it this way. We use Continuous_Shelf_Holes
FEATURE REQUEST: BENDING Token Does Not Allow For Concave Settings
I tried to put in a ticket, but it was directed to the community forum instead. If you like this idea and want to see it added/fixed, be sure to thumbs up this post so the developers can see that this is a highly requested feature. If you have a convex
radius machine token
the raduis machine needs a way to acount for if there is banding on the 2 edges.
Duplicate 3D Autocad parts being created spontaneously
On a number of occasions I'll be working away in Edit Design Data and or Part Properties on a custom product, then discover that a duplicate Autcad model of the entire product has been drawn at the exact location of the MV product. I only realize that
Migrate MV Data
We have two laptops with each own database for projects. Laptop 1 experienced a problem with booting to Windows. It can't even access safe mode. Before the SSD went bust (can't detect even in bios), I managed to copy the "MV_Migrate" folder to a new drive.
Why can't I drag 'n drop the Factory spreadsheet in Database Explorer? It didn't matter much when there wasn't anything I need to tweak in it. Yes, I do know how to get it out. I've been doing the whole Puppet Show for years. Still, when we've lost all
Divisions Lengths #Name?
Hello guys when i insert the subassembly "internal Drawers with Faces" The divisions dont come through and looking at the part properties the length value is #Name?, See screenshot
Foundation Bump
Bump is unreliable in the Foundation / 2023 Tbox I'm working with at a client's shop. Simple open Uppers lap when bumped by the Filler width? No, they don't stand off by the Filler. The Filler's OFF. They lap by the Filler's size on the Right Side when
Hardware array
I've attached a screenshot of a hardware array application as it is right out of the product. I'm trying to figure out how to position the hardware from the outside of the cabinet, or on the opposite side of where it is currently located, or to be able
Raise Bottom Drawer - FL
Hello, We have a difficult time installing the under mount slide for the bottom drawer. Is there a Global that will allow me to increase the space at the bottom for the bottom drawer? Tried changing the BOTTOM_DRAWER_SPACE_FROM_BOTTOM but that didn't
I have been creating new hardware and I am getting the hardware to showup but it is always coming in on the 3D_HWRAssociationError layer. There is no machining and irt is where I want it? Obviously there is somehthing I am doing wrong but what are the
Miter Shelf inside a cabinet
Hi all, Is it possible to put a miter shelf inside a cabinet and get the sides drilled for screws as well. Thank-you
Where to control contour for double studs on diewalls?
The interior contour for our router has 3 tight passes on a double stud and is generating an error on our router. One pass would be sufficient, where do I go to control the tool path that MV automatically generates for double studs?
Nesting with Small Line Segments
We have a new Morbidelli CNC machine that will throw out "Path Cannot Be Followed" error when we have line segments that are smaller than the tool diameter. Our Optima will cut these just fine, but the Morbidelli has issues. The tech told us to switch
Report Drawing Flatshot does not show profiles
I am wanting to send my flatshot drawings from the MV reports to our customers to confirm their order. I am embarrassed to send the current flatshot drawings. I manually add a screenshot of the cabinet from the autocad view, but this takes a long time
Global Machine Token edit
I'm looking for a method to edit a standard machine token and have it affect all parts that utilize it. The token in question is "ROUTE5[Finished End Scribe]" The Offset is hard-set to "L," which has caused us some grief. We want our added scribe to be
Request: Drill holes in tops and bottoms
Feature request, drill holes in top and bottom boards where the nailers meet, we screw into the sides and tops which helps keep units square and true but i cant see any option for it, i could add it manually but with every update i have a growing list
Material updates to product-level spec groups are changing the library spec groups
My team is currently using the Imperial Component Cabinet Library (v047.1). We have a number of times changed the Library spec groups to be our default naming conventions for materials. When we start a new project, we make copy that default spec group
Save Subassembly not working
Sometimes when I try to modify a subassembly and save it back in the library, it gets saved only in the Project, even when I check Save to Library... I end up making my modifications in the Database Explorer every time it happens. Anyone can help me figure
Panel edge bore and routing
Hi all, New user and first time poster so please be gentle 😁 The first major hurdle I have become faced with, is how to get a hardware associative machine token to work on a panel edge, not face 5 or 6. To put in context, I'm embarking on implementing
lock position
Justed added a lock by copying existing similar lock and modifying parameters. In the image below where do i changed the 7/8" distance. Currently the lock is 3/4" from the edges and needs to be 7/8". Thanks in advance
Hello MV team Is it possible to have a proper Mirroring function??? Ie the ability to mirror a product including all cut outs and extra machinery, we do lots of repetitive work that changes from right to left hands, it would be nice not to have to manually
Edgeband Part Size Adjustment won't work with Thickness=0
I would like to be able to use the "Part Size Adjustment" field for "Edgebanding" to oversize any edge it gets applied to by a certain amount. But currently, I have to put a thickness>0 on the edgebanding in order to do that. To avoid throwing off the
Wood Dovetail Drawers
Hi everybody, I have a probleme with the Wood Dovetail Drawers. I buy them and would love to change de depth of the drawers to be 22 inch. Do you know how to change the depth without to go on the spreedsheet.
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