Routers 'do not have valid diameters'
Hi, We just transferred MV from an old workstation to a new one, and prior to this I did not receive this message. When I draw products, I am receiving two popup messages stating: The router named '3_8COMPRAMP' does not have a valid diameter. Make sure
Product viewer interaction product check
Is there any way to click on a product through Product Viewer or any other method to see what product it is in your model space? We have found from time to time that we have products in the Product Viewer that are not in model space and would get produced
Add Shop Location to Reports (and Work Order)
I created a UDPP for Shop Location, but do not know how to add it to a report. Following the tutorial for “Reverse Child/Parent relationship” I added Project Properties under the MV “Type” Database on a renamed current report. I found the Data Sources
Text placement on nested panels
I remember someone mentioning somewhere before how to add part information to the panel rather than below the pattern in a composite which wasn't going to work for us, but we are doing some things now that it will be good for. Now I've tried it and it's
Can we add the the Length & Width label back to the part image for labels?
I have screen shot of an image from a past label where the part image had the Length & Width Labeled “in line” with the part image to show the orientation of the part. This was great and key when you have parts where the Length & Width of the part is close to the same size and you are then asking an operator to guess and possibly rotate a part. How can we add this back into the image? The current “OptimizationResult.WMF” doesn’t include the dims but it does have the H-Boring. The “Parts.WMFStreamDimension”
Solid Model Analyzer - Parts Orientation
When I use Solid Model Analyzer to create a Microvellum Product from a 3D solid using Solid Modeling Tools, some vertical parts are created like it was horizontal part. The assigned material has no grain. Also, the part is drawn vertically. How do you
Has anyone printed labels to a secondary tray in a printer?
We use a report group to print the 4 reports all at one time. We would like to add printing our labels to this report group so they aren't forgotten. We have our label stock and our standard printer paper in two separate trays in the same printer. Is
Printing Labels for pieces made from scrap/drop material
We use Microvellum and our storage system to log scrap/drop pieces of material. Our goal is to minimize scrap by using drops for small nests and make up parts. Is there a way , from Microvellum, to print labels only for the parts assigned to the scrap/drop
Product List Accuracy
Just noticing in the 2021 Standard build that the product list sizes are coming to full inches instead of what they actually are. The MV options are set to 1/64". Anyone else have this issue or know how to fix it? Thanks, Matt
Formula Help Adding Bottom Nailer to Base Cabinets when Remove Bottom Prompt is on
We typically do not use the Bottom Nailer in our Base Cabinets. But in situations where we remove the bottom and run the back to the floor, I want this to be added. I changed the Bottom Nailer Prompt prompt to: =IF(Remove_Bottom=1,Use_Bottom_Nailer,0)
More Formula Help
Trying to see if I can turn the bottom nailer on/off using this formula but its not working. I posted a similar question earlier. I'm just trying to have the bottom nailer activated when the base bottom is removed. Just can't seem the make the formula
Suspended Cabinets Top Cleats
Even though I have the box checked to raise the top cleats, nothing happens. Is this something someone can point me in the right direction to fix or should I create a ticket?
Product Comments On Reports
I am trying to figure out how to change what is printed on our "Work Order Summary" report in the product comments field. Originally when we started with Microvellum we requested that the comment field contain text indicating which ends of the cabinet
Blind cabinet notch
Trying to get rid of the mouse hole created by the MV machining for notched Blind Panels on Upper Blind Corner Cabinets. Where is the control for that machining? We prefer to square by hand. We are using library v45. Thanks.
Router Set Up Sheet?
We have 2 routers with a different number of spindles. Therefore we only set spindle 1, 2, and 3 with a specific tool in that spindle for both machines. Spindles 4 + the tool can change as needed on a job. Does anybody know how to write a report that
Activity Token not Valid - Workbook 'S'
Library 50_3 and 48_0 I am having an issue where when using the 50_3 library I am continually getting an Activity Token not Valid - Workbook 'S' error when creating a new workorder with any cabinets. When using our older 48_0 library I don’t get this
Rotating parts in the parts Dwg
Would it be possible to add a rotate part function for the single parts drawing that would update the optimized parts table and indicate the part has been rotated (for a specific work station). Since there are very few controls for the part orientation
Remove Perfect Grain
Hi all, i have read the articles about how to apply perfect grain to a cabinet, however I have not seen anything about how to remove perfect grain from one or two cabinets. I would like to have perfect grain on at all times for the job, but I do find
Setmill Indication on Nested Sheet WMF
Is there a way to have the setmill highlighted or indicated in some way on the WMF that is created for the nested sheet report? It is indicated by a depth and arrow on in the composite nest DWG but I can't find a way to get that information onto the
Labels on Parts
When you group 6 cabinets together in the same group to be sent to the saw/routers, the different parts of those 6 cabinets get put on the sheet stock to maximize yield. That usually ends up with the parts for one cabinet spread over several sheets.
thru holes from face 5 + face 6 vertical drilling
I feel like at some point the face 5 and face 6 vertical drilling would combine to make through holes but maybe it never functioned that way. Is there a way to set this up?
Work Order Problem Popup
Hi ! I have a problem with my work order, I can't make it ! This two pop up appears ! Any Idea ??
Machining Verification
These parts are meant to have a mitre on them cut by the Vpnt. How can i verify that has actually been applied? I cant find a place that shows me what tools are being used for each operation. Coming from modern CAM software, this is super clunky and
Multiple Offset Route Priorities
When using the fifth cell of the PLINE token you can offset the vectors mapped out in the first cell and you can do this multiple times when using the "{X:Y:/|X;Y;Rotation}" format, but is there a away to set individual priorities for these offset routes?
Hinges & Pulls
Having a problem with my Hinges & Pulls not showing correctly. Any idea how to fix this or what the problem is?
2D Editor Warning Message
I'm getting this warning message when I create machining in the 2D part Editor. Can someone help explain what is causing this and what I need to do to fix it. Thanks.
Hole boring through spoil board
How do I adjust the depth of these holes? The spoil board thickness is set at .75 and I set the vertical drill spoil board penetration at 0 in the tool file, yes still goes through.
Cutoff Saw Processing Station type
I was wondering if anyone out there is using the "Cutoff Saw" processing station type. I am trialing this right now to see if this might be useful for our solid parts going to our Salvador chop saw but am not having much success. The sample processing station from the v50 library is producing programs but they are so far from where I need to be I am not even sure where to start tweaking. Just looking to see if anyone out there is using this feature successfully or if I'm trailblazing my way into
Report Groups Exporting to Excel
When exporting to excel through the standard process it exports as .xlsx but when using the Report Groups it exports as .XLS (which is the older version)
Differentiating between parts and copied parts on nesting summary report
So I had a report set up that used to work perfectly (until recently) as when parts were copied in the nesting patterns, half the information in the background wasn't copied at the same time so I used to be able to easily differentiate between a real part and a copied part. Now however, it seems that copied parts have the exact same information as the part they were copied from (the way it should have been from the start). Therein lies my problem as there seems to be no way for me to seperate the
Adding a custom hardware item. EX Camlock locking device on drawers
I am at a loss where to start with adding a hardware item. It is a camlock lock. We are manufacturing furniture pieces that require these on all the drawers and doors. I need all the correct holes for drilling. I do have the 3D drawing from the manufacturer just not sure how to get it into MV and give it machine tokens and drawing tokens. Would it be the same as adding something like a door pull?
Nesting Sheets
Can someone please help me on this one. Ive somehow been switching it back and forth for a few months now and i cant find where. Attached is a picture...instead of showing 2 sheets with the same stuff on there, It just says Quanity 2 and our router guys keep missing it because they were used to the old way.
Part Labels assigned to individual parts
It would be helpful to our nesting labeling process to have a way to add labels to a default part label group and be able to change the part label per piece from that group when processing batches similar to assigning a toolfile to parts in the processing center. There could still be a default label that would be assigned to the parts but the option would be there to change the label from the nesting label group for any parts assigned to a Nesting processing station and from a saw label group to
Seperating Jobs on a report and creating a single part line item for output
We have a report that was created / modified early on in when we were in training with Microvelllum to output items that we cut “Off line” These are “stock” materials like rear cabinet nailers, toe kicks, Drawer box parts, that we can grab and cut quicker and have better optimization by hand than on a Nested or P2P machine. We now have the opportunity to output much of this to a Weinig s90 cross-cut saw which will save us time and be more effective and accurate. We already have an excel import
How can I set the default save option as Adobe PDF file type while saving the processing/work order reports?
I am saving 60-70 reports a day and would like to know if we can set up a default file type (as Adobe PDF) and file name ( as per projects) to directly save the files at a specific location on my computer.
Rotating Parts in Nest Only Has 2 Directions
When rotating parts in the Composite if the piece in question contains machining it can only be rotated at o and 90 degrees. It doesn't keep rotating to 180 and 270 degrees.
Parts Label cut and finish size error
We are just starting to use labels in the shop and I noticed that the cut size and finish size are not showing up. Any ideas why this might be happening. Thanks
Optimization Option
I think an option for optimizing from "Largest to Smallest" would be an option to add. It would be a little different to "Best Yield" in that: 1- The First part with largest area would be placed first 2- Second part with next largest area would be placed if it fits, if not skipped untill largest part that fits in available space found. 3- then go back to the largest available part and continues. This would avoid a lot of my last sheets having large parts and lots of waste. None of the options in
.IFC Export from toolbox
Goooood morning MV Team, I am running into the need more and more to export our 3d models to .IFC format. working with the BIM environment. our Clients are pressing really hard on BIM these days and understandably I get it. however tool box OEM 2020 does not have the option to export to .IFC. can we please get this feature added to 2020 asap. hot fix next build, today tomorrow, which ever comes first please. haha. the work flow is: we take their Revit model, pull out of it the main floor plans
Saw Groove Width
We currently us the Saw Tool for all of our 1/4" back machining, except upper sidewalls, these are done with a 1/4" router bit. The two widths vary a little and I'd like to increase the width of the Saw Groove but can't locate where to do this at.
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