Conditional BORE token on a pull

Conditional BORE token on a pull

We're trying to set a associative hardware token on our pulls and are running into an issue.
What we're trying to do is have all pulls that are on drawers be counterbored on the back side so that the screw head is below the face so the pulls can be attached before the drawer front is added. We're using the Foundation library, so the rub is when the Finished Face subassembly is nested in a component insert your LookUpTable is in N! not S!. Here's what I've tried:


The problem is that if it's not a nested sub, and there's no N!, it doesn't error out like I'd hoped, it becomes an invalid formula and breaks the token all together. I assumed with the first IFERROR, that if the S! lookup returned a value, it would ignore the second half with N! and not try to evaluate it at all, but it does, and it breaks.

If I just hard code a BORE, it works fine, just on all finished faces, and not the drawer fronts alone. We were doing this off whether or not there were cam adjusters in the component library, but they've been moved to the sub fronts in foundation.

Anyone have any ideas? Different approach that actually works?

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