Is there a way to have an item number dynamically set based on a global setting?
e.g. Item Number =If(G!Cabinetry_Option=2,"1","NOCUT")
We have a cabinetry layout for a regular tiny house customer who has multiple versions of essentially the same cabinetry. The options are things like:
- either a space for a dishwasher OR a 2 door cupboard
- either a fridge/microwave cabinet OR a 2 door tall cupboard
- etc.
What I would like to do is maintain 1 master project with 1 room and select the required cabinetry options in the global settings of the project. We can then only nest/cut cabinets that aren't called "NOCUT" rather than manually selecting the cabinet. This customer is prone to making changes and so I don't want to maintain multiple drawings with lots of common cabinets.
Thanks in advance