"Export and then Remove Project" one option to chose in Microvellum Database Utility

"Export and then Remove Project" one option to chose in Microvellum Database Utility

I work remotely and import updated projects in our Company database often.  As a rule the remote engineers backup projects and then remove projects on the company server before importing in the updated project into the company server.  If anything ever goes awry we have the backed up project to revert to.
One of these days someone will accidentally remove a project that has not been backed up because the wrong project will be accidentally chosen.  Murphy's law, "anything that can go wrong eventually will go wrong."
If we had a single option to "Export  and then Remove Project"  to chose in the Microvellum Database Utility, the possibility of a job accidentally being erased would be greatly reduced.
Also, when a user choses to remove a project it would be very helpful for the prompt to say "Are you sure you want to erase Project Name?  

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