FEATURE REQUEST - Ability to edit formulated materials in spreadsheet

FEATURE REQUEST - Ability to edit formulated materials in spreadsheet

Having to update materials in the interface only is so much more time-consuming than if we had the ability to do so in the spreadsheet.

One example:
Today I had 16 formulated materials that all had the word "Plates" in them, used in several formulas.  I wanted to switch "Plates" to "Tops" inside all of the formulas.  It took me about an hour to run through and replace that word in every single formula (about 12 formulas per material, 3 instances per formula, totalling 576 instances).  With a find/replace over the spreadsheet, I could have done this in about 30 seconds.

I'm not sure if there's hope for this with the way the materials in the database work, but it would really improve the editing of materials for us in a major way.

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