Microvellum Knowledge Network

More than 8 Fixed or Adjustable Shelves in a Cabinet

Is there a way to have more than (8) shelf rows adjustable / fixed?
We'd like to ... let's say "double" the allowed quantity of (8) shelves / (9) openings.

One cheating way we found was to stack (2) subassemblies on top of another [=Opening_Z+(Opening_Height/2)] and the adjust height of each sub to [=Opening_Height/2]  ... But the you'd need to calculate all the shelf locations out and taking into consideration sharing the top of the lower section and bottom of the upper section to equal the opening out. I know this isn't the best way to do this though ...

Comparing to CV (which we have and are transitioning to MV) this is not a problem to do.
You can key any value of openings you desire.

How can this be done in MV? Is it even possible?
We're just to new to MV to tackle this one :-/ and we can't imagine this can't be achieved or hasn't come up before though. Otherwise we can contact our MV rep / support about it.

Any assistance would be appreciated!


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