Program Preventing Naming a Room with the same name as a Dwg within the Factory Database Directory

Program Preventing Naming a Room with the same name as a Dwg within the Factory Database Directory

At some point the program started to check if there was already a Dwg within the on-disk Factory Database location by that name and prevent you from creating a room by that name.  It never did this before.

I figure this was obviously a change to the program to build in some more fail safeness etc.  I like fail safes being put in, but I don't like this feature because in my workflow in now causes extra steps of tricking the program.

Previous to this change, I could copy a Dwg in the on-disc location rename how I want and then create a MV room by that name and it would immediately launch/open the room, pretty simple 2 step process.  Now I have to copy a Dwg, name it something different than the MV room name I am going to create, create the MV room, and then assign to the room named differently, save and close, then rename the dwg to the same name as room, then reopen the MV room, and reassign.  So going from around 2-7 or so steps.  

Not to mention we also basically lost the ability to tuck a new dwg behind an existing MV room without the extra step of reassigning as well.

I just wonder if this fail safe is justifiable enough, and wonder if anyone else if bugged by this?  It might help to understand why this fail safe was added too.  Look forward to other opinions and feedback

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