Solid Modeling Tools - Extruded Tools

Solid Modeling Tools - Extruded Tools

When I create a 3D product with Solid Modeling Tools (SMT), I noticed that some SMT tools do not modify the product permanently. For example, I want to stretch a part (entity), there is a tool for that in the Extruded Tools window under Extruded Entities. The stretch commands works fine, but when I redraw the product, the stretched part goes back to the original shape. Also, when I copy a vertical entity, the copied part is gone after redrawing the product. You figure that modifying the product with SMT tools would "stick", but it is just using AutoCAD commands to modify the product. Am I doing something wrong? It is a hassle to redo all the modifications when you redraw a product.

Note this is all before creating a Microvellum product with Solid Model Analyzer (SMA).

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